José Juan Barea is looking for companies in the ACB League of Spain

The regression of boricua José Juan Barea the tabloncillo could cover the next week and no series in the NBA.

El Nuevo Día supo que el canastero puertorriqueño estar cerca de llegar a un acordo con el Studentes en la Liga ACB de España para hacer su debut en el baloncesto de Europa.

Tras quedar in libertad de los Mavericks de Dallas previo al initia esta tempada in the NBA in December passed – but with a guaranteed contract of $ 2.6 million- the armator of the National Team does not declare the possibility of playing in Spain, although its priority is regressar a la liga enebeísta.

Following the transfer, the Students’ Club will host a revelation to the veteran canaster, for 36 years, in the past, and the agreement will materialize at the end of the week. On the other hand, the mayagüezano desa mantenerse active about the tabloncillo sin perder la esperanza de recibir unla llamada de alguna organization of the NBA in February.

Barea, which has a total of 14 seasons in the NBA, is a club that is looking to increase its yield and go down the middle of the table of positions in the ACB. Students have a mark of 5-11 and occupy the decimated position among the 19 participating teams. El Real Madrid is leading 16-1.

Barea will be waiting for the next week in Madrid to integrate the team and debut the 30th of January in a match before Acunsa GBC.

The student leader is Javier Zamora.

Puerto Rican Gian Clavell led Students in the 2018-19 season.
