José Cardozo confessed that his retirement from football was debated and that he was not “having fun playing”

The mayor’s commentator of the MX league pointed out that the lesions were a factor for the recovery of the bones, since there are no “easy goals”

The outfielder of Toluca José Cardozo, who scored 249 goals in Mexico and is ranked as the most attacking quarterback in the history of the BBVA MX League, confession that football is withheld because it is not “divertía jugando”, debited to the lesions that watered during his years in action.

‘I withdrew when I left. Yo ya no me divertía jugando porque ya tenía lesions y hasta aquí llegué. Geen estoy arrepentido para nada. For this always means to feel, think and execute. Everything I do is thankful for football and it’s really bad to say that I did not want to do anything. Me dio más de lo que yo le di. It was a tremendous pain to take the decision. He came with a penitentiary because he did not entertain me and did not score goals easily, ”said the Paraguayan during the presentation of his book ‘Cardozo, El Príncipe del Gol’.

The book, which deals with its initiatives in New Italy, Paraguay, has been passed by the World Cup, European football and its sporting retreat, consists of two editions, one with mayor content photographed as the other.

‘Pepe’, as I know it, ‘s rodeo of ex-footballers like Francisco Gabriel de Anda, ESPN’s analyst, and Mexican periodicals and their countries that he accompanied in his career, this is the case of Jesus Humberto López, also an ESPN analyst.

“One more complete, thank you to God, to my family, to my fathers, to Toluca. Thank you, licensed Valentín Diez Morodo, for joining me with a lesion ”, dijo de inicio.

His official biography was written by the writer Guillermo Garduño, whose account is that the prologue was written by Valentin Díez, duo of Toluca, and each chapter contains an introductory letter by the characters of Enrique Meza, Antonio Naelson ‘Sinha’ and Vicente Sánchez, among others.

“There is the explanation of his second number that he does not like much. To an affectionate that the thief ‘Saturniano’, the thief that if Saturnino ya era feo, the other peor “, dijo entre risas Garduño.

“We have a lot of anecdotes. I have a fresh memory of all these cases and now I agree to agree to ten to 8 years. Its interesting things that you can do and lose. Football is more sensitive than any other profession, ”Cardozo said.

‘Cardozo, El Príncipe del Gol’ also takes place in Mexico, one who was traumatized by the fact that he had been stung for years by a lesion at the pier, even though he was supportive of his wife Raquel.

Toluca’s lieutenant did not pay attention to the lawsuits and the silence that was recorded when the World Cup 2006 took place. and much like the debut of Aníbal ‘Maño’ Ruiz (QEPD), it is his impulse in his professional career.
