Joe Biden plans to reinstate coronavirus restrictions on routes from the United Kingdom and Europe

Vista from an airport in United States.  EFE / Etienne Laurent / Archive
Vista from an airport in United States. EFE / Etienne Laurent / Archive

The President of the United States, Joe Biden, plans to reinstate the restrictions and limitations on the coronavirus crisis in air traffic, affecting the citizens of the United States, Ireland, Europe and Brazil.

In addition to passengers traveling to the Schengen area, Washington prevails over additional restrictions for those who also practice South Africa, one of the last variants of coronavirus surged in this country, han adelantado cadena como la NBC o CNN.

In the case of persons having access to a passport, they must show a negative coronavirus test performed in a place that does not exceed 72 hours.

The announcement, presented for these months, produced only when the former inquilino of the White House, Donald Trump, decided in his last days as president to lift these restrictions, amending in a decision taken by the Centers for Control and Prevention of Enfermedades (CDC), the agreements that are sufficient for international passengers to present a negative coronavirus test to enter the country.

Poco will be late to respond from the new Democratic Administration, by means of assumptions about assuming the cargo. What is now the White House press release, Jen Psaki, said Biden will continue with this plan, since “it is not the moment“, Después del” empeoramiento de la pandemia y el surgimiento de variants mer contagiosas en todo el mundo “.

PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: Passengers at Terminal 1 at JFK International Airport in New York, EU, March 13, 2020. REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton
PHOTO OF ARCHIVES: Passengers at Terminal 1 at JFK International Airport in New York, EU, March 13, 2020. REUTERS / Shannon Stapleton

One of the first media outlets that Trump adopted over the course of the pandemic would cancel the international flight law, in the beginning of China, is al ha ha culpado en numerosas ocasiones de la crisis sanitaria global.

China, too, and in March, the European countries and the regime of Iran were fleeing the next to overcome the restrictions. The routes from Brazil are restricted for the first time in May, despite the fact that the South American country is starting to record figures that it is located on the high day as the second with the number of bankruptcies and the third in accumulated cases.

The United States has surpassed its 25 million coronavirus cases since the beginning of the pandemic and accumulated 417,538 deaths, following the data retrieved by Johns Hopkins University.

In the last 24 hours he has counted 35,113 new contagios and 486 deaths, figures that point to a content of the third, the most serious has the moment.

With information from Europa Press


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