Jeremy Lin, former NBA star, says he is called ‘coronavirus’ in court

“Being a 9-year-old NBA veteran does not protect me from being called ‘coronavirus’ in court,” the former New York Knicks star wrote on Facebook.

Lin, who currently plays for the Santa Cruz Warriors, which is the G League subsidiary of the Golden State Warriors, on Thursday expressed his concern about the racism and violence targeting Asian Americans.

In his report, Lin talked about the different ways in which Asian Americans experience racism, prejudice and stupidity.

“There is something changing in this generation of Asian Americans. We are tired of being told that we are not experiencing racism, we are tired of being told that we should hold on and not cause problems,” he wrote. .

“We are tired of American children growing up in Asia and being asked where they REALLY come from, of mocking our eyes, of being objectified as exotic, or of saying that we are inherently unattractive. We are tired of the stereotypes in Hollywood. what our psyche and the limitation of who we think we may be.We are tired of being invisible, of mistaking our colleague or telling us that our problems are not so real.

In 2019, Lin became the first Asian American to win an NBA title while playing for the Toronto Raptors. Lin became a household name in 2012, when he emerged as the breakthrough star of the New York Knicks. His success was called ‘Linsanity’.

Lin, who has helped other Asian-American athletes fight racist stereotypes, is the latest high-profile speaker to stop the violence against the AAPI community.

Earlier this month, actress Olivia Munn took part in the attempt to find a man who attacked an Asian American woman in the streets of New York, while actors Daniel Wu and Daniel Dae Kim teamed up for a reward of $ 25,000 to offer for information that led to arrest in attacks. which took place in Chinatown, Oakland.

A ‘very terrible time’ for AAPIs

Communities and advocates across the U.S. have been on alert for the past few weeks following a series of recent attacks on Asian Americans.

Although it is unclear what triggers the recent incidents, lawyers and authorities have seen a pattern of targeted hatred since the coronavirus pandemic began.

California allocates $ 1.4 million to track down and stop attacks on Asian Americans
Cynthia Choi, co-executive director of Chinese Affirmative Action, said anti-Asian sentiment was linked to the false idea that Asians could be blamed for the pandemic.
Choi is also one of the co-founders of Stop APPI Hate, a coalition that has been documenting anti-Asian hatred and discrimination since March last year. Nearly a year since its inception, the coalition has received more than 3,000 first-hand reports of anti-Asian incidents, Choi said.

“This is a very terrible time, a very anxious, trampled time because Asian Americans feel they are experiencing so much racism and triviality. Some are legally afraid to leave their homes,” Choi told CNN on Friday.

CNN’s David Close contributed to this report.
