Jenniffer González dobbeltsteen who uses “all available mechanisms” to log on to the Supplementary Social Security

The Washington – based Commissioner, Jenniffer González, states that he will use all available mechanisms – including to ensure the courts – to guarantee the equality of the poorest residents in the island that qualifies for the Sixth Program, English).

The federal government recruits its defense alleging that it can take advantage of the territories – like Puerto Rico – that do not “enter” the United States “voluntarily” through a “negotiation”. “The Department of Justice states that it is aggravated by the insular cases to maintain the doctrine of discrimination against the poor”, argued the commission.

“You can use all the mechanisms available to guarantee equality, including the project of status and support in the courts”, aggregated by González, who is a member of the court in the case of discrimination committed by José Luis Vaello for the exclusion of the program to move to reside in the island of New York City.

González said that the members of the Supreme Court of the United States, in this case, are evaluating the discrimination “in the same way that segregation in schools is avoided in the decade of the 60th”. “Each territory defends. I am interested in Puerto Rico, the 3.2 million American citizens who are here and who are not eligible to receive their $ 460 monthly; that those people who are 65 years old or older when they are alive and well, can receive it, ”he said.

Add to that the fact that it is one of the many things that only guarantee the status, but while continuing to shine for this ideal, we can not discriminate. “It is not imported into the nation’s home where you live, if you are a citizen of the United States, you will be entitled to it and benefit from our social security benefits. This is the desigaldad that I live with in the full igualdad ”, scored.

This desigualdad is evident also, dijo, in the Medicaid program, where Puerto Rico participates in 11 of the 17 programs that have, as well as the “Child Tax Credit” that locally excludes families with one or two children.
