“I’m a sovereign of sexual aggression”

(CNN) – Representative Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said during a live Instagram broadcast on Monday that there is a sovereign sexual aggression.

Ocasio-Cortez made the statement, stating that he was one of the first to speak in public about the incident, as in the context of the trauma he experienced as a result of the insurrection in the United States Capitol last month. The New York Democrat has a detailed report of his day on January 6, based on his experience during the meeting.

Consider that the people in Congress who say “they are adamant”, including those who are disciplined, despise the violent insurrection in the Capitol in another state using “the various tactics of abusers”.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Capitolio

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“The reason for being rich is and the reason why I’m emotionally pulsating at the moment is because these are the people we say we are talking about, that we are not big, that we are debating what we are suing, including that we are saying we blame, these are the different tactics of the abusers. Y, uhm, I’m a sobriviviente of sexual aggression », says Ocasio-Cortez. The congressman did not go into detail about the aggression.

«Y nee le he dicho eso a mucha gente en mi vida. But when we go through a trauma, the traumas aggravate between them. And yes, if you have been a negligent or abusive parent, and if you have been accused of verbally abusive behavior, then you have committed abusive behavior, then you have experienced some type of trauma in your life, little or nothing. episodes can be aggravated ».

Following the broadcast of one more episode of Instagram Live, Ocasio-Cortez shared detailed details about his experience on January 6th. One of the most striking aspects of history was when Volvo turned into a man entering his office without warning, golpeo varied and gritty: “Is that where she is?”. Ocasio-Cortez said he thought the man was an insurgency, but in reality was a Capitol police officer.

“I think I will die,” said Ocasio-Cortez.

Contrary to his experience, Ocasio-Cortez says that acababa regresses to his office when he receives the second dose of his vaccine against covid-19 when she and his legislative director, the only member of staff he has at the moment , listen to fuertes golpes in las puertas del pasillo. Ocasio-Cortez dijo que era alrededor de la 1:01 pm ET porque dijo que acababa de hablar par telephon con su jefe de personal.

“I’ve been forcing violent shots at me and lying in all the gates of my office,” said Ocasio-Cortez. «As if some were trying to get rid of the bully. Y no hubo voices. No hubo gritos. Nadie dijo quiénes eran, nadie se identifó ».

Ocasio-Cortez said that he corrected the office of his legislative director, who lied about the day he was leaving. In principle, there is a fire in the office of the officer in front of the intention to cross the accommodation has an armory. In the end, the decision to stay on the court was to feel that he had been late for action.

«Acababa empezar a escuchar estos gritos de, ‘¿Dónde estla ella? Is that where she is? ‘», Opname Ocasio-Cortez during the Instagram Live broadcast.

Ocasio-Cortez said at the time that he was walking outside the bathroom door and could see the agent, who said he had not been identified, moved by his office and included opening the door of his personal office.

“There has never been a greater call in all my life,” said Ocasio-Cortez. “Continuing to breathe”, and aggregated: “I saw the moment when I thought everything was over”.

We did not have any moments to spare, when a staff member said that the army was well placed, that it was said that the man was a Capitol police officer.

Ocasio-Cortez’s director of communications, Lauren Hitt, confirms to CNN that the black-haired man is grumpy: “Where is she?” in all the office, without prior notice, was the same agent of the Capitol police.

The New York Democrat said he met with the Capitol’s police agent “he did not feel right” and was nervous that he would not be identified.

“Las cosas no cuadraban”, aggregate, saying that he creates what he says with “ira y hostilidad”.

CNN asked the Capitol Police for a comment on Ocasio-Cortez’s relationship.

If the police agent says that he or she has a staff member: “bajen” and “vayan a este otro edification”, agregó que omitió propose the number of the edification for security reasons.

“The situation is very volatile with this agent who corrects, aggravates my pain and commences to correct this edit”, he said.

If a friend does not choose the other name that the agent indicates, Ocasio-Cortez says that he will tell you that he does not know where he is going to have a specific place.

As a refugee refugee, Ocasio-Cortez says she and his legislative assistant urgently need to find a place to go to the editorial board when they begin to listen to the agitators who establish the Capitolio process. She and her team member made various different shots and touched the doors of various offices before meeting the representative Katie Porter, a Democrat from California, running through the hallway with a cup of coffee, said Ocasio-Cortez during Instagram Live.

Once inside the Porter’s office, Ocasio-Cortez said that the staff colloquially barricaded the porch and found an informal rope in the back of an assistant who could poke around to camouflage and be able to move more easily in case he had to escape. Ocasio-Cortez estimates that stowage in the Porter’s office during the next five hours will have to ensure that the congressmen have time to certify the results of the elections.

“All these thoughts lie with your mind,” said Ocasio-Cortez, sharing what he felt was in Porter’s office. “Are there any more official offices that other people have names than white suenan?” Are the names that suenan masculinos? ».

Ocasio-Cortez said Representative Ayanna Pressley, a Democrat from Massachusetts who is a member of the Progressive group called “The Squad”, sent the text to “come and go” and a quiz ended at Pressley’s office by 4 p.m. ET.

Ocasio-Cortez said he felt insecure about the prevalence of the insurgency and said his staff would develop a security plan for January 6, anticipating some type of incident.

“The week before the insurrection begins to receive text messages that must be taken care of, and that, in particular, must be taken care of (the 6th of January)”, dijo. “These are text messages from other members of the Congress. No eran amenazas, pero eran otros miembros, diciendo que sabían y que estaban schuchando, including the people of Trump and republicans who conocían, que se esperaba violencia para el miercoles ».

The Progressive Congress details a tense situation in the Capitol in the prevailing motions, which will meet with the protesters of “Stop the Steal” when both the Venice and the Capitol come and, until the 5th of January, will not be sold.

“The moons are ours, like members of Congress, having intensified interactions with these people,” he said. “So far, so much so that those who do not know how to do so are the ones who are trying to make it happen.” Someone who has been publicly accused and has said that he has no indications of violence has lied. There are many indications that this delivery is currently underway. You established allí el lunes ».

In one of all the reports of his transmission, Ocasio-Cortez wrote that his “history is not the only one, nor is it the central history of the one who passed away the 6th of January.”

“It’s just a story of many of those who live in the Capitol on pilgrimage to the mentions, revelations and violence of the people who choose the personal benefit of the only one of democracy,” he said.

And as women listen to their stories on Instagram Live, the congressman directs himself again to the people who trust the members of Congress who are “sigan adelante”.

“And for those who want to find out what they are doing to ‘follow suit’, we can go ahead and tell those in charge,” he wrote.

Sarah Fortinsky de CNN contributes important information.
