how to measure proteins with carbohydrates in no way

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In the world of food, sobriety myths y —también— los motivos (que diría Sabina) para desterrarlos de una vez por todas. What to think to measure proteins with hydrocarbons we will regulate is one, without doubt, of the most extended. And if there is a mayor in Spain who knows about nutrition, there is at least one mayor who cares about us.

Según mustraba hace unes meses, rezien comenzada la desescalada, une enquiste published by the OCU, “Consumers should take every precaution to ensure a healthy diet, know the origin of the foods and procure respect for the medium”. Pero What do you think about circulating myths or failures about food? In this case, it is not only that protein proteins with carbohydrates do not work so that in addition, it is necessary and recommended mezclarlos.

“Mezclar these food groups are not as bad as they used to be”, afirma a EL ESPAÑOL la nutritionist-nutritionist Natalia Moragues (@moraguesnatalia), CEO del Centro de Medicina y Nutrición Alvida of Seville. The only thing we need to know is how many things: the quality of these food groups and the proportions of the dishes, this is professional.

Quality Nutrients

This is because, as far as the Healthy Food Fund is concerned, on its official page, “there is no evidence to separate nutrients or to avoid specific food combinations.ficas “. What really imports es “the global diet and choose quality foods which contain the different nutrients: proteins, quality grasses and hydrated carbonated carbohydrates (peulvruchten, integral cereals, fruits …) ”, adds the entity.

And in equal form, in the case that we want to lose weight. After writing the foundation, “if we look to lose corporeal grass will be tan sencillo how to adapt your diet and physique to what you are hypocalcified and we can decrease our percentage of fat form salueerbaar. By not restricting foods or combinations of the same, we are reducing ration or adapting the diet to our current needs “.

Asi y como comentaba también Moragues, primero it is important to choose food groups that are of good quality. In the case of proteins, the most recommended, following a healthy diet pattern as is the pattern of the Mediterranean diet, is to choose animal origin proteins as the fishes, white as blue as the blue, the lean dogs to make red carcasses and processes (last resort should be more moderate consumption) and horses; and vegetable origin proteins como the legumes, the dried fruits or the leaves.

In the case of carbohydrates, the most recommended series will be explained as explained in this article by EL ESPAÑOL those absorbent carbohydrates that are the ones that contain fiber (instead of carbohydrates from absorbón rápida, the series of cereals refined). It is better, therefore, to choose the whole cereals because they contain the most fiber, vitamins and minerals, in addition to very low fat.

Hecho, y según un informe of the Biom Research Centerisdica en Red of the Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutritionn (CIBEROBN), “consume whole grain diary rations, one 16 grams of second weight per race, is associated with a minor mortality “.

Another of the carbohydrates that the very recommended series is “the tubers like the potato or the potato”, adds Moragues. De hecho, the potato is one of the most sugary foods that exist, but it is important to cook with the same methods as cocaine, horn or steam.

Ojo with the proportions

And secondly lie, we center in the songs. The proportions of the plots are a fundamental factor, they are, the quantity is imported. “It’s not the same to store carbohydrates that we lose in adequate proportions”, comment Moragues. Here is a good recommendation to know what proportions we need to include in each food and follow the indications of the salutary plateau or the Harvard Plato.

According to these indications, the middle of the plateau corresponds to the verduras; 25% in protein and another 25% in carbohydrates. For how much is the famous Harvard Plato, who is mistodo o tal y como explican sus creadores de la Escuela de Salud PúHarvard blica, a guto create healthy and balanced comedies, I recommend these three food groups, but in the correct proportions or amounts. It is important to know the rules of the races and how many debemos we make of each thing.

“It is important to note that this will only be a general recommendation, only for example, unspecified sportsmen on occasions proteínas omonget hydrated. Asyes, the quantities or proportions always depend on the requirements and necessities of each person “, explains Moragues. “Concretely.” “Have to keep in mind the global context of your diet”, he concluded.
