House Republicans Press Biden to Adopt Trump Confucius Institute Rule

Minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-California) and other top Republicans in the House sent a letter to President Biden on Wednesday urging him to take up a Trump-era proposal investigating China’s state-funded Confucius institutes in the US will increase, according to a concept first acquired by Axios.

Why it matters: Critics of the Chinese culture and language program say it is a ‘soft power’ tool used to spread Beijing’s influence on university campuses. Republicans have accused Biden and his cabinet nominees of being “soft” on China and insisting that he take a tougher line.

Between the lines: The proposed rule would have forced colleges and K-12 schools to disclose any contracts, partnerships or financial transactions of China-funded institutes or student groups, including Confucius institutes or Chinese student and school associations.

  • Although the Trump administration tried to get through the proposed rule in its final days, it was never finalized. It is normal for a new administration to abandon non-final rules of the previous administration.
  • Republican members continue to call on Biden to resubmit the rule “as soon as possible.”

The letter refers to Biden’s recent call with Chinese President Xi Jinping, saying, “If we do not move, they will eat our lunch.”

  • “Among the many threats we face as a result of China, the [Chinese Communist Party]’It is of particular concern that the abuse of America’s academic system to steal sensitive research and technology is restricting freedom of expression and spreading our students,’ the members write.
  • In addition to McCarthy, the letter was signed by the Secretary of State, who is Michael McCaul (R-Texas), the member of the Department of Homeland Security, John Katko (RN.Y), and Virginia Foxx (NC) of education and occupy work rankings.

The whole picture: The letter is the latest in a flurry of objections from Republicans of Congress – including sens. Chuck Grassley of Iowa and Tom Cotton of Arkansas – on the fact that the government is no longer published under the president.
