Hong Kong BN (O) visa: UK prepares to welcome thousands fleeing national security legislation

Last year, China introduced comprehensive national security legislation to Hong Kong that critics say has stripped the city of its autonomy and precious civil and social freedoms while reaffirming Beijing’s authoritarian rule over the area. Since then, many prominent activists and politicians have fled, while others have quietly begun arranging to move overseas.

The law punishes segregation, undermining and collusion with foreign powers, and carries a maximum sentence of life imprisonment.

Shortly after it was proposed, the British government announced that it would provide a new path to citizenship for holders of British national (overseas) passports, introduced in recent years by British government over Hong Kong, enabling residents to a degree of British citizenship, although without any long-term right of residence in the United Kingdom.
Under the new program, those with BN (O) status and their eligible relatives will be able to travel to the UK to live, study and work, and be eligible for residency in the UK within five years. and 12 months thereafter citizenship.
In a statement, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday: “We have honored our deep ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong, and we have stood up for freedom and autonomy – values ​​held by both the UK and Hong Kong. from the heart. ‘

According to data from the British Home Office, obtained by CNN through a request for freedom of information, since July 2019, when protests against the government broke out in the city, more than 400,000 BN (O) passports were issued to residents of Hong Kong, more than the total number issued for the previous 15 years.

At the time of the proposal for the National Security Act, the number of passports issued rose from 7,515 in June 2020 to more than 24,000 in July. These numbers may also be lower than the number of people applying, as the coronavirus pandemic apparently affected passport processing last year.

Before the UK announced the new path to citizenship, there were around 350,000 BN (O) passport holders, but the number of eligible people – those born before 1997, in Hong Kong ruled by the British government – could be as much if 3 be. million.

China has reacted angrily to the proposed plan, claiming that it violates the agreement under which Hong Kong was transferred from the British government to the Chinese government, which according to London is again undermining the national security law.

At a regular press conference on Friday, Zhao Lijian, spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, accused the UK of ‘disregarding the fact that Hong Kong was 24 years back to the motherland’ and the promises made during the handover. has, transgressed.

He said the BN (O) path to citizenship “seriously violates China’s sovereignty, grossly interferes with Hong Kong affairs and China’s internal affairs, and seriously violates international law and basic norms of international relations.”

As of January 31, Zhao said, China would no longer recognize BN (O) passports as travel documents or proof of identity, “and reserves the right to take further action.”

Such a move would not have much practical effect, as Hong Kong residents, whether foreign or Chinese, use locally issued identification cards to enter or leave the area, and also for most identification purposes. Anyone who is eligible for a BN (O) passport is also entitled to apply for a Hong Kong passport and can already own it, which can also be used for these purposes.

BN (O) passports have never been accepted for travel to mainland China, where Hong Kong residents use a “return permit” along with their Hong Kong identification card or passport.

Given the limited scope of this immediate response, activists have suggested that further steps could be taken, especially if a large number of people leave Hong Kong in the coming months.

According to the South China Morning Post, a Hong Kong newspaper, the Beijing government has deprived the BN (O) holders in Hong Kong of the right to hold a public office and possibly even the right to vote.
Regina Ip, a member of the cabinet Carrie Lam, leader in Hong Kong, suggested earlier this month that Beijing, due to the United Kingdom, could revoke the right of Hong Kongers to have dual citizenship, something that people on the continent not enjoy. and impose the Chinese nationality laws entirely on the city.

“Thereafter, Hong Kong Chinese who voluntarily acquire a foreign nationality shall be deemed to have lost Chinese nationality, in accordance with Article 9 of the Chinese Nationality Act,” Ip said. ‘When they make a conscious decision to leave and give up Hong Kong by implication, it’s only right that they should be asked to make their choice – China or a foreign country – foreign citizenship or residence and the right to vote in Hong Kong . ‘

Despite these and other threats, researchers estimate that up to 600,000 Hong Kongers could move to the UK within the first three years of the policy, and possibly many more, as continued repression under national law would force people to leave.

BN (O) containers may also not be the only people leaving. Around the time of the 1997 handover, many Hong Kongers acquired foreign citizenship, especially in the Commonwealth countries such as Canada and Australia, which at the time had generous immigration policies.

Pro-democracy activists and protesters who do not have foreign citizenship have also started applying for asylum overseas in greater numbers, especially following a crackdown last year against those who took part in the 2019 unrest.

In December 2020, former lawmaker Ted Hui dramatically fled Hong Kong using a fake environmental conference to set up bail and has now sought asylum in the UK. Nathan Law, a leading former lawmaker and leader of the 2014 Umbrella Movement, also sought asylum there, while others sought protection in Germany, the US and Australia.

Escaping overseas is not always the same freedom: legislation and other exiles have complained that they are being teased and even harassed by people they say are agents of the Chinese government, Beijing officials have denied. They are also limited in the communication they can have with family and friends in Hong Kong, for fear that they will get into trouble with the authorities.

Although most BN (O) containers living in the UK are unlikely to be monitored in this way, the intense political environment surrounding the new scheme may make it difficult for those who decide to return to the scheme. do not want to stay in Britain.

Ray Wong, an activist who fled to Germany in 2017 and became one of the first Hong Kongers to be granted asylum in Europe, told CNN last year that he “basically missed everything in Hong Kong”.

“I miss it surrounded by people from Hong Kong, surrounded by Cantonese-speaking people,” he said. “I miss even the very unpleasant climate.”

CNN’s Jenni Marsh and Angela Dewan reported.
