Honduras: CNE announces the content of primary election votes

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The Electoral National Council (CNE) of Honduras is launching this March the content of the primary commissions celebrating the dominoes of the political parties, informs the President of the Entity, Ana Paola Hall, which indicates that the process will be the “most transparent of the history “of the country.

“It is a matter of minutes in the process of opening (electoral) elections and the corresponding screening, which will later take place in the recruitment phase”, Hall indicated, in a press conference, accompanied by Councilor Rixi Moncada.

The content of the deeds initiated into the days of the first comics celebrating the National Parties, in the power; Liberty and Refund (Free, first opposition force), y Liberal, second.

LEA: CNE says you can get primary election results up to 30 days

Hall signaled that the CNE waarborg “the transparency of the final scrutiny and the officialization of the results, tarea that we will culminate in the exit, in time and form”.

The transmission of the preliminary election results in the last years only “creo incidentumbre”, by which the organ kiesingsverslur – desierto the adjudication process and companies for this objective, because “there are no security securities transparency required “, explained.


“We have opted for the mayor’s transparency and we have given him the prizes to make declarations that only he will obey the respect of the volunteer of the Honduran people”, underlined Hall, who had a “power called the responsibility” of the aspirants and cargoes of popular choice.

Dijo, in addition, said that it is “absolutely forbidden” for any political party leader to interfere in the proceedings of the opening, extraction and escalation of the acts, which are in the custody of the Council, as well as the voting cadres of an auditing process “.

Hall affirms that the stage of scrutiny that initiates “is the exclusive responsibility of the Electoral National Council and that prohibits the injunction of political leaders in the areas designed for these jobs “.

“Here we have no secrets, we are also going to allow obscure actions, all tend to have access to see what is suicidal”, added the official, who reaffirmed his “mayor compromise with the country, democracy and the people”.

This process elections “is the most transparent, free and fair of the last two years”, acotó Hall, who denounced the Internet service in the main center del CNE in Tegucigalpa and sabotearon various electoral kits.


For his part, the counselor Rixi Moncada, called the “calm and cordura” to the public in the hope of the results of the primary elections, which are not obligatory.

“The process will be slow, but safe, without rural conditions and without adulterations,” said Moncada, who attributed the delay in the transmission of results to technical problems.

Agreed that electoral advisers “do not accept pressure, we will always take biosecurity measures and respecting the times that we of the ley ”.

“It is difficult to resist a change of paradigms, it is not our duty to give immediate results,” said Moncada, who also called the candidates for “the calm”.

“Despacio, pero seguros, con accesoFor all intents and purposes, the results will be in the media that will pay off, ”said the counselor, affiliated with the Free Party.
