Homeland Security gives TSA workers power to enforce Biden’s mask mandate

Acting Secretary David Pekoske on Sunday signed a national emergency provision, which said the TSA could “take action in accordance with the authorities” of its federal jurisdiction, enforcing the mandate of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. late can apply. Friday.

“This includes supporting the CDC in enforcing any orders or other requirements necessary to protect the Covid-19 transportation system, including passengers and employees, and to mitigate the distribution of Covid-19 through the transportation system, to the extent that it is appropriate and in accordance with the applicable legislation, ”Pekoske wrote.

The CDC order issued last week requires people to wear a mask while using any form of public transportation, including boarding planes, trains, buses, boats, subways, taxis and ride shares, as well as inside airports and other transportation hubs. The order will take effect on Monday at 23:59

The TSA said in a news release on Sunday that passengers without a mask could be “denied entry, boarding or continued transportation” and that failure to comply with the mask requirement could result in civil fines.

“TSA will fully comply with the President’s executive orders, CDC guidance and the DHS National Emergency provision to ensure healthy and safe travel through all transportation sectors,” TSA administrator senior official Darby LaJoye said Sunday night. a statement said.

“It will help prevent the further spread of COVID-19 and encourage a united government response. As we continue to experience the effects of this pandemic, we are committed to this measure as the right thing to do for the TSA. workforce, for our stakeholders in the industry and for passengers. ‘

Pekoske’s mandate highlights the Biden administration’s cautious approach to the virus and is another example of how it is looking for ways to reduce its spread. Although it is possible to contract Covid-19 on board an aircraft, experts say they are relatively reluctant to contract the virus while on board.

The TSA said on Sunday that people without a mask would be “asked by the security process to carry or get one to continue”. “Depending on the circumstances, those who refuse to wear a mask may be subject to a civil fine because they try to circumvent the screening requirements, interfere with the screening staff or a combination of the offenses,” the agency said. said.

According to the CDC order, signed by the agency’s director of the Global Migration and Quarantine Division, people should wear a mask that covers the nose and mouth while on public transport and while waiting for their ride. The mask must have at least two or more layers of breathable material and must be fastened to the head with ties, earmuffs or elastics.

In addition, the masks should fit well and should not have breathing valves or leaks. If someone prefers to wear a heel, it should be made with two layers of fabric or folded to have two layers. Face shields and goggles can complement a mask in that order, but cannot be worn in place of a mask. Scarves and bandanas do not meet this new requirement, releasing children under the age of two or people with a disability who cannot wear a mask.

The CDC said it reserved the right to enforce the order through criminal penalties, but it “strongly encourages and provides widespread voluntary compliance” and expects support from other federal agencies to implement the order.

Shortly after taking office earlier this month, Biden signed an executive order requiring travelers from abroad to wear a mask, and on his first day in office, he challenged Americans to wear a mask for 100 days to reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

CNN’s Jen Christensen contributed to this report.
