Here are the performances of Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen, Foo Fighters or Bon Jovi in ​​the concert for Joe Biden

This March 20, March 20 will see the investment of Joe Biden as President of the United States. Numerous stars will welcome the mandate and celebrate Donald Trump’s inauguration with an inaugural concert that included artists such as Katy Perry, Bruce Springsteen or Foo Fighters.

The event was presented by Tom Hanks and took place in the Capitol (Washington, United States), after the change of editors by Trump’s followers. Bruce Springsteen announced the opening of the concert singing Land of Hope and Dreams and The Styg. “I’m sorry to be here,” he said.

The sequel Bon Jovi, which features a version of The Beatles and interprets the legendary theme Here Comes the Sun.

For his part, John Legend, who has publicly supported the president, sang Feeling Good.

Foo Fighters’ Times Like These and Dave Grohl’s approved to send a message to the professors, as his mother as the first lady, Jill Biden, his masters. “Illuminate the nines of our nation every day”, afirmó.

But I have no doubt the most spectacular moment of Katy Perry’s nightmare, which she did not announce her appearance at the event. Interpretation Vuurwerk y, as it was to be hoped, his act was accompanied by the launch of artificial fuels.

Demi Lovato eligió para la occasion la canción Lieflike dae. The interpretation of this quiz praises the sanitary staff and includes in his action videos of workers singing fragments of the theme.

The New Radicals group met for the first time in 22 years and went on to sing You Get What You Give.

This investor gala will also take into account the participation of actresses Eva Longoria and Kerry Washington, the balance of the balance Kareem Abdul-Jabbar or the chef José Andrés, among other famous. Lin-Manuel Miranda interprets the classic work of the Irish poet Seamus Heaney, The Cure in Troy, and Biden unites to recite some phrases.


Hours, antes at the funeral ceremony of Lady Gaga, one of the celebrities who were most present at the Biden campaign, was singing the hymn to the national anthem.

Also actuó in that moment Jennifer Lopez entonando This country is your country. The star is approved to launch a message in Spanish. “A nation of God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”, gritó.

Garth Brooks, country song recant, vertolk Amazing Grace in the Capitol’s escalations through Biden’s investor discourse.
