Hallaron the remnants of the most ancient land of America: vivió hace more than 10 miles ago and confirm a theory about human migration

The DNA analysis of this shaman's house fragment of a sample that some have access to the most ancient American concoction.  (DOUGLAS LEVERE / UNIVERSIDAD AND BUFFALO)
The DNA analysis of this shaman’s house fragment of a sample that some have access to the most ancient American concoction. (DOUGLAS LEVERE / UNIVERSIDAD AND BUFFALO)

The dogs accompany the first humans to the North America, a scientist who discovered the remains of a 10,000 year old canine, following a study published in this school.

If you are these people emigrated from Siberia, to find out what has been updated in the current Bering Strait, hace entre 30,000 and 11,000 years.

The history of human beings is strongly linked to his best friend from time to time, and the study of the DNA of the horses is useful to establish the human facilities.

Some investigators think that humans will initially invade the United States 12,000 years. Fue entonces when the gruesome glaciers that cubrían large part of North America comenzaron to retreat. This open a corridor, allowing people to walk from Siberia to the tigers of summers now in the Bering Sea, and place in North America in search of mammoths and other large animals.

A Siberian Husky.  Investigators believe that the first domestic furs in Siberia are 23,000 years old (REUTERS / Peter Nicholls)
A Siberian Husky. Investigators believe that the first domestic furs in Siberia are 23,000 years old (REUTERS / Peter Nicholls)

Pero during the last decade, Archaeologists have demonstrated that the mighty people began to quarrel in North America much earlier. Travel from Siberia to the Alaska Archipelago is 16,000 years old, and finally to the Pacific coast.

The hallucination of the dog’s petals supports this hypothesis. Scientific of the University of Buffalo analyze the DNA of a fragment of a dog found in Alaska’s surest. First created that it was an oso, but an analysis in depth revealed that it was a part of the femur of a dog.

The dog has 10,200 years old, which is found in the remains of one of the oldest known concoctions in America.

The genetic analysis revealed that the animal is extremely related to the first known animals, que los investigadores creen que fueron domesticados en Siberië is 23.000 jaar oud. Based on the number of genetic differences between the Alaska Plateau and its Siberian antidotes, the team estimates that las dos poblaciones se dividieron hace 16,700 jaar, when the scientists creen that it is possible that human beings hayan tomado a coast to go to the North American continent from the actual Siberia.

It’s a track that the horses, and their humans, abandon Siberia and enter America miles of years before the glaciers of North America derritieran.

The fechas also align with the estimates based on the DNA of the modern American natives are separated from their antecedents in Siberia, which proportionate another line of evidence to specify the correcting of the first migrations. “How to move the dogs also to show how to move the people”, dijo a Ciencemag Flavio Augusto da Silva Coelho, the scientist who carried out the analysis of the DNA.

According to scientists, it is necessary to carry out more research on these routes
According to scientists, it is necessary to carry out more research on these routes

“As far as the perches are concerned with the occupation of space by humans, our data ayudan to specify only one faeces, so also a place for the entry of perches and humans in the Americas”, explanation Charlotte Lindqvist, biologist from the Universities of Buffalo and Dakota del Sur.

The studio, published in the magazine Proceedings of the Royal Society B, apoya la theory that humans will populate the North American continent of Siberia, through a‘n carretera costera.

“We believe that the first human migrations in the region are more important than what we think”, dijo.

“Perro costero”

An analysis of the fragment of the oseo demonstration that the animal follows a “marine” diet, based on the remains of fish, foxes and balls.

Después los perros llegaron en oleadas ocesivas, según Charlotte Lindqvist. First from the east of Asia with the Thule people, lying with the Siberian huskies traded in Alaska during the gold fever in the XIX sail.

The studio supports great arena in the old debate about, a time that cruzaron the actual stretch of Bering, the first human beings advance the continent by a continental corridor or by a narrow coaster to the wide of the Pacific.

The map that shows the progress of the world's population
The map that shows the progress of the world’s population

The remains of precarious tracks were found on the runway of the continental corridor with more youngsters identified by Lindqvist’s team on the coast route.

This favor the theory of a cost route for the first leagues.

El “Perro costero is a descendant of the perros that participate in the initial migration”, afirmó the specialist.

(With AFP information)


A study presents the viable routes of entry of the first human beings into America
The hallucination of the most ancient caves of North America that confirm the migration of human beings from Asia
The vivian humans in North America are 30,000 years old
