Guillermo Lasso: We can sleep in peace and quiet; do not read with a list of who to pursue | Politics | Notice

The winner of the second electoral day will be working on the coronavirus vaccination plan in Ecuador from 12 April.

With a long list of compliments, including his wife, Maria de Lourdes Alcívar Crespo, the ex-girlfriend of Guayaquil Jaime Nebot and the directors of the CREO movement, Guillermo Lasso dio este domingo su primer discurs tras conocerse su triunfo en la segunda vuelta.

At the same time, in Quito, the candidate Andrés Arauz Recognize the derrota del correismo and announce that llamaria to Lasso for congratulations.

“Democracy has triumphed. Ustedes he used his right to choose and he used to choose a new world, different from the last four years in Ecuador”, Dijo Lasso, who raised 52.51% of votes ahead of 47.49% of Arauz, with 93.32% of valid deeds.

Rafael Correa: Sincerely, we’re creepy, but our projections are erred.

“The 24th of May will take responsibility for the challenge of changing the country and changing for all the Ecuadorian opportunities and prosperity that we all share,” said Lasso, respecting the day in which he will be joining the Gobierno in the National Assembly.

Lasso se refirió a derechos. ‘Vamos’ n verdediger los derechos de la mujer ecuatoriana, as son derechos humanos. We are concerned about the right to equal work with men, in matters of employment and remuneration, ”he said.

“I would like to direct the embarrassed adolescents, who have ten children and two children. María de Lourdes (su esposa) y yo vamos a ser sus padres, las vamos a cuidar ”, added.

Guillermo Lasso Governor’s Plan

I well listen to the minority groups of GLBTI (gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, transgender, and intersex), I complied with protégés to avoid being stigmatized, seduced, in their way of living. Tienen mi compromiso de que vamos a cumplir con todos ustedes ”, commented.

On its first steps, it will reiterate its decision to close the Secretariat for Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (Senescyt). “Friends, we will close the Senescyt. We respect the right that a young person should study at the university that he loves, not that he loves Gobierno ”.

Announcement that he will work from this month on the evacuation plan against the coronavirus in the joint country with the Vice President, Alfredo Borrero, professional medicine.

Coronavirus cases in Ecuador, on April 11: 346,817 confirmed, 17,293 deaths and 183,300 evacuees

“We are going to be able to sleep in peace and quiet. Do not read with a list of who to pursue and be in prison. I would like to meet with the governor and meet with the President of the Republic, ”Lasso said.

Finally, record that this was his third consecutive presidential candidacy. “Since then we have been honored with the opportunity to serve the Ecuadorians so that the progressive country and all of us can live better. “He said, ‘I mean, it’s so, we’re going to have a meeting,” he said. (I)
