Grupo Firme. Homophobics Exploited by Mexico LGBT Band | VIDEO

Mexico City /

Group Company, banda de mexican regional music, is embroiled in controversy over people who are against the rights of the community LGBT. And it lasts one of the concerts that will be held in the United States, the aggression ondeo the banner of mexico with the colors LGBT, algo que para muchos fue muy scandaloso y sacó a flote give homophobicas again al por burgemeester. ¿Group Company position? Los músicos nthey are called callados and pusieron final point to the attacks. The contact is now successful.

Through Youtube, Company group shared a video of the moment just in which Eduin Caz, vocalist and founder of the band, I love the LGBT band because of the song “La estoy pasando mal”. This act acts as a liberator and a show of support for the people who have been established as correct, desató el odio de varios internas.

The object that group Grupo Firme was a Mexican banner modified with the colors of the LGBT community. In the middle of the emotional moment, Eduin Caz embraced the band and continued his life. Prohibition of probes, the publication of the video collected negative comments with audio expressions.

El hate Homophobia is also accompanied by the latent arrangement that Podrian demands for the modification of the Mexican border. It’s a pesar de that the hechos ocurrieron in United States.

Grupo Firme is a musical group that is favored by the LGBT community. This includes a Facebook post about the death of Eduin Caz, Jhonny Caz, who announced that he was gay and that his family supported him.

Finally, in the middle of the revue, Eduin Caz fixed the silence and pushed him to the attacks, reaffirming his support for the LGBT community.

“Respect the myth that you have the band, to empezar, you do not have to do it. posted Eduin on his Instagram stories.

