Google starts fact-checking images amid incorrect information


Google’s product team announced on Monday that they’ll be exploring Google Images around the world – the first step among large tech companies struggling to cope with an increase in misinformation and manipulated imagery.


Google said Google Images would launch a fact-checking from Monday to help people make “more informed statements about what they see on the Internet.”

‘Photos and videos are an incredible way to help people understand what’s going on in the world’, reads the announcement, describing the pitfalls in the visual media ‘especially when there are questions about the origin, authenticity or context of a image.’

Google already implements fact checking for regular search results and news, which, according to the search engine, hits people billions of times a year and will not affect the ranking of the results.

If you are looking for an image, you can now see a “Fact Check” label below the results of the thumbnail image, which can be enlarged to see if the image shows what it claims.

According to Google, “these labels may appear both for factual articles on specific images and for fact-viewing articles that contain an image in the story.”

Twitter recently labeled one of Trump’s tweets of an edited version of a viral clip of two toddlers running to greet each other as ‘manipulated media’, and later removed the clip along with Facebook.

Twitter said new fact-checking measures – which led to labels on a handful of Trump tweets – “should provide context, not fact-checking”, while Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook said his platform “does not” share the truth of everything what people say online. ”

key background

As technology becomes more advanced, it is possible to decay or manipulate images and videos that look real. While technology companies, including Google and Twitter, have switched to misinformation on text-based facts, misleading photos and video can pose an even greater threat. Experts and politicians warn that the rise of computer-generated ‘deep fakes’, which spread virally on social media platforms, could become a weapon for political misinformation, election intervention, hate speech or harassment.

shocking number

Without seeing the hand, thieves are difficult to detect. The winning tracking algorithm of a Facebook challenge could only catch on two thirds of deep fakes.

Further reading

“The rise of theft and the threat to democracy” (The Guardian)

‘Deepfakes are not very good. The tools to track them down are also not ”(WIRED)

“Facebook and Twitter clash over fact-checking as Trump threats increase” (CNN Business)
