Google has always been pretty generous with its cloud storage, but the policy finally started to change late last year. In addition to losing high quality free photos, all files created in Drive will count toward your total storage allocation on June 1st. Although most of us have only a few months left before these changes take effect, Workspace and G Suite users will get an extension and move the date for these accounts to February 1, 2022.

This policy delay means that all files created in Drive – including Docs, Sheets, Slides, Drawings, Forms and Jamboard – will only be bundled into the data quota of a Workspace account next year. Uploading photos will not be affected by this move and will still be eligible on June 1st, regardless of account type. According to Google, this extension for Workspace users is specifically designed to give the enterprise time to implement new admin tools for managing and viewing data allocation. By February, drivers will be able to see how much space Documents and other files occupy within each Drive.

When Google launches the work switch on Workspace accounts next year, the same rules will apply to personal users in June. Unedited files created before February 2022 do not count towards storage, but all new documents, along with any edited content, will be included in your total account usage. Although it will be some time before Google launches its new tools, administrators can already use Workspace reports to see how the data is broken down per user.