Germany, France, Italy and Spain stop vaccination against AstraZeneca Coronavirus pandemic News

Suspensions follow reports that some people got blood clots after getting the shot, but WHO says no proven connection and urges people not to panic.

Germany, France, Italy and Spain have suspended use of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine following several reports of blood clots in people who were shot in Europe.

The spate of suspensions came on Monday after a number of other countries, mostly in Europe, halted their entry into force late last week.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has supported the use of the vaccine, saying there is no evidence that the shot caused clotting in some people who received it.

The UN health agency is reviewing the reports regarding shots and urged countries not to suspend vaccinations, as its top scientist said people should not panic.

EU members stop firing

German Health Minister Jens Spahn said the country had suspended use of the shot on the advice of the national vaccine regulator, the Paul Ehrlich Institute.

The institute called for further investigation into seven reported cases of blood clots in the brains of people who received this vaccination.

“Today’s decision is a pure precaution,” Spahn said.

France and Italy announced similar moves shortly afterwards.

French President Emmanuel Macron has said the use of the AstraZeneca shot will be suspended as a precaution until at least Tuesday afternoon when the European Union’s European Medicines Agency (EMA) regulator will issue his recommendation on the vaccine .

Macron did not elaborate on the reasoning behind the decision, but said at a news conference that he hopes France can vaccinate again with AstraZeneca shots soon.

The Italian Medicines Agency, AIFA, meanwhile said it was implementing its own suspension as a “precautionary and temporary measure” pending the EMA.

The announcement follows the seizure of hundreds of thousands of doses of the vaccine by Italian prosecutors in the northern Piedmont region, where a teacher died after being vaccinated.

Experts are investigating whether there is a link between his death and the vaccination.

Late Monday, Spanish Health Minister Carolina Darias said the country had stopped using the vaccine for two weeks as a ‘precautionary measure’.

She said the decision would remain in force until the EMA “analyzes the recent occurrence of blood clots, especially over the weekend”.

AstraZeneca said there was no cause for concern about the vaccine being produced with Oxford University in the UK, and that there were fewer cases of thrombosis in those who received the shot than in the general population.

Peter Drobac of Oxford University told Al Jazeera that the AstraZeneca vaccine had undergone “rigorous clinical trials” and that blood clots had not been identified as a problem.

‘The security break, I think it’s definitely the right of regulators in these countries. “However, we have heard from the World Health Organization, the European Medicines Agency and others that the benefits of vaccination at this stage clearly outweigh the risks,” said Drobac.

WHO insists on calmness

The EMA and the WHO also said that available data did not indicate that the vaccine had caused the blood clots and that people still needed to be vaccinated with the shot.

The WHO on Monday urged countries not to suspend vaccinations against a disease that has caused more than 2.7 million deaths worldwide. The UN health agency’s top scientist reiterated that there were no documented deaths related to COVID-19 vaccines.

“We do not want people to panic,” Soumya Swaminathan said, adding that so far there has been no link between the so-called ‘thromboembolic events’ reported in some countries and COVID-19 shots.

The insurance has apparently done little to dispel doubts, as several countries have now temporarily stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine over the past few days.

Denmark, Norway, Ireland, the Netherlands, Iceland and Bulgaria were among those who suspended the use of the shot.
