Galilea Montijo and Andrea Legarreta put a height on the haters, tras attacks on Alicia Villarreal

This month during the program Hoy, Galilea Montijo, Andrea Legarreta y dem dems conductors del program matutino ms exitoso de la televisin, hablaron sobre la problemtica que atraviesa Meleni Carmona, hija de Arturo Carmona and the song Alicia Villarreal, quien el pasado 08 de marzo revel que haba sido sexually abused by a well-known director.

Sonde mencionar nombres, Meleni confes haber sido abusada por un familiar cuando no haba nadie en su casa, sin embargo, la joven asegur que su padre Arturo Carmona he has entered the same since he made the public statements while his mother and the wife of ya saban and recalc that both always the support.

Pese a que Meleni make sure your mother Alicia Villarreal and his wife Cruz Martnez the support at all times, the seals and comments against La Gerita consent not to hiccup hope many people he called a bad mother.

Ante los sealamientos en contra de Alicia Villarreal, the property Meleni sali in defense of his mother a who describes as an excellent mother and who only respects his decision.

Galilee and Andrea against the haters

Ante this situation, Galilee Montijo and Andrea Legarreta hicieron un attente llamado en todas aquellas persona que critician a la interprete de temas como Ay papasito y piden geen kritikus y nee juzgar sin saber el trasfondo de la situacin.

And it’s that the conductors are not the first time that the van to the yugular a los haters pues recent tambin verdedigeron a su amigo Te Mauri who has been affected by influenza trafficking has received a double pulmonary transplant to be able to salvage his life has been affected by the virus COVID-19 which for small cobra its life.

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