French National Assembly supports law to combat Islamic extremism

It prohibits so-called ‘virginity certificates’ provided by some doctors for traditional religious marriages, and requires respect for the equality of men and women. The approval of terrorism becomes an offense that could lead to a ban on holding public office.

In the article that gave rise to the most ominous debate and more than 400 proposed amendments, it places serious limits on homeschooling without banning it, as originally proposed. Educating children at home is seen by the government as a source of “separatism” that undermines French values, as well as a way for conservative Muslim families to deter young girls from what they see as corrupt influences.

The bill originally called the ‘anti-separatism’ law, which undermines the conviction of Mr. Macron emphasizes that every citizen ‘must respect the rules of the Republic because he or she is a citizen before he or she is a believer or an unbeliever’. It never mentions Islam or Islamism, a source of anger for right-wing parties.

“The target is missed because it is not mentioned,” Philippe Bas, a Republican senator, told Le Figaro. “The target is Islamism which aims to apply its totalitarian law to the law of the Republic.”

The Socialist Party lamented the choice of security measures rather than strongly expanding social programs to confront the rise of extremism in gloomy suburbs, where good schools and jobs are scarce.

For Le Pen’s National Rally, formerly the National Front, the legislation was problematic. The handful of representatives did not stick to the final vote of their vote, after approving some of the articles and regretting others that they were not far enough. Me. Le Pen is trying to run for an election next year in which polls suggest she will go to the second round and even be elected.

However, her efforts were not promoted by a poor performance in a debate last week with Gérald Darmanin, the hardline Home Secretary, who caught her saying she had statistics very wrong and suggested she became soft. “You need to start taking vitamins again, I’m not tough enough,” he said, looking in painful confusion as she tried to get a convoluted explanation as to why Islamism, an ideology she found hateful, was nothing. had nothing to do with it. Islam, the religion with which she had no quarrel.
