Fins in snowshoes create temporary works of art on the golf course

HELSINKI (AP) – A fleeting artwork made with thousands of footsteps in the snow has attracted attention near Helsinki’s capital Helsinki.

Led by local resident and amateur artist Janne Pyykko, 11 snowshoe-clad volunteers printed a series of complex geometric patterns on a golf course. Together, the designs look like a big snowflake.

The artwork, completed over two days, has a diameter of about 160 meters. The Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat said it could be the biggest snowstorm in the northern country.

“It was a way I could develop as a human being,” Pyykko, who was inspired by visual effects and made smaller snow illustrations himself, told the newspaper. “I wanted to learn how to inspire people and see if I could lead them.”

Pyykko says the drawing can best be observed from the air, but he told Finnish media on Wednesday that the patterns for snowplows within a designated area of ​​the Lofkulla golf course require a lot of ground planning.

The work is designed to be temporary and only lasts until the next snowfall or heavy wind wipes out the footprints.
