Fallece Eduardo Cálix, ex vice-chancellor and real jefe of the protocol of the Legislative Assembly

Cálix also spoke as a career diplomat. Failure of a cardiac card while being found in Chalatenango.

Eduardo Cálix, former Deputy Chancellor and Acting Director of the Protocol to the Legislative Assembly, failed this week, according to Xenia Romero, Parliamentary Speaker. The Assembly of Communications of the Assembly also confirmed the decision.

Attorney and Notary, Cálix also as a career diplomat. Failure of a mine to be found in Chalatenango.

The reactions from the Assembly are not to be hoped for, given the failure of the current protocol officer.

The general secretary of the PCN, Manuel Rodríguez, stated: “Definitely a lot because a very strong person wants a professional who knows the area of ​​protocol and external relations, so that the digo sincerely is a loss for the country”.

While Rodolfo Parker, PDC’s deputy, also signaled that Cálix would be recorded as a great professional: “If he is very serious, then he has an excellent person and an excellent professional, both things, if he has lost a great deal with his case.

“It’s sad, really can not understand the death of this great man, of his great being human, of his great patriotic Salvadoran, smoke companions in the Chancellery, a man who has much to do with El Salvador in foreign policy matter”, lament the deputy Margarita Escobar, of ARENA, who worked together with Cálix as Deputy Chancellor of the Republic.

The experience in Cálix’s protocol is also evident in the preparations for the current Gobierno position, in June 2019. In April of this year, Cálix spoke to El Diario de Hoy about what implies a mandate transfer ceremony. in an open house, like the Gerardo Barrios square. Here you can read more about the interview: Eduardo Cálix: “We do not have the first experience of transmitting a mandate in an open place”
