Fact test: Obama never warned Africans against Covid-19 vaccines from USA, Europe

At some point, the world is finally seeing hope for a Covid-19 vaccine, a message spread on social media, says former US President Barack Obama has warned Africans not to accept vaccines that will not come from America and Europe. The message also claims that Obama called the vaccine “a bad deed that white people want to do to Africans”.

The viral message that reappeared social media was recently on Facebook and Twitter since April last year.

The message is: ‘Barack Obama is asking Africans not to accept the vaccines that will come from America and Europe … Barack Obama: I will be an accomplice if I do not address the bad deed that white people want to do to Africans the jaw does not set. First, I was born in America, but I’m African blood, #NotoVaccine “.

India Today Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) has found that there is no official trace of such a statement by the former US president. In fact, Obama recently tweeted that it is “one of the most important things” to vaccinate against Covid-19.

The archived versions of the post are stored here, here, here and here.

Obama over Covid-19 vaccine

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, Obama has spoken several times about Covid-19 and the US government’s response. However, there is no media report confirming that he asked Africans to refuse the vaccines from America and Europe.

According to a report by the Associated Press last year, Obama’s spokeswoman Katie Hill confirmed that ‘Obama did not say this and despite being pro-vaccination’. Hill responded to the same rumors about Obama last year.

Many newspapers reported that former US Presidents Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton said they would take a coronavirus vaccine as soon as one was available, and could film it to build confidence in the US about the safety of vaccines.

Recently, in December 2020, Obama tweeted, “Getting vaccinated is one of the most important things we can do.”

Since there is no official record that Obama warned Africans against the vaccines, and rather tweeted in favor of a vaccine, it can be said that the viral claim is untrue.

ClaimBarack Obama has called on Africans not to accept vaccines coming from America and Europe, calling it ‘a bad deed that white people want to do to Africans’.ClosureThere is no official trace of such a statement by the former US president. In fact, Obama recently tweeted that “one of the most important things” to do was against Covid-19.


The number of crows determines the intensity of the lie.

  • 1 Crow: Half true
  • 2 crows: mostly lies
  • 3 crows: absolutely false
