Fact check: the video of the police chasing sand mafia passed when UP police chased the farmer

Republic Day in Delhi was damaged by violence after protesting farmers broke barricades, damaged vehicles and attacked policemen after deviating from the routes designated for their tractor rallies.

Meanwhile, a video of a police scorpion chasing a tractor went viral on social media. The man on the tractor randomly drives on an uneven river bank and tries hard to evade the police. At the end of the video, the man drives his tractor into the river. An annoyed policeman steps out of the Scorpio and looks helpless as the tractor almost reaches the other side of the river.

This video is said to show the police in Uttar Pradesh chasing a farmer who was to take part in the tractor rally on 26 January. A Facebook user shared this video with the caption: ‘UP POLICE chasing a farmer’s tractor for Republic Day parade. The tractor driver is a Rockstar. ”

India Today Anti Fake News War Room (AFWA) found that the video had nothing to do with the R-Day tractor march in Delhi. The video is from the police in Uttarakhand who allegedly chased the mining mafia. This incident took place on January 20th.

The archived version of the post can be seen here. The video and similar claims are widely shared Facebook.

AFWA investigation

We did a keyword search and found that a YouTube user had it shared same video on January 22nd. The user said the video is from Uttarakhand and shows police chasing a man involved in illegal mining.

This caption gave us two possible clues about the video. Using a combination of keywords such as ‘Uttarakhand police chasing tractor’ and ‘illegal mining’, we found a news item in Gujarati report by “ABP Asmita” who explains the story behind the viral video.

The description of this video says: ‘A video of the police in Uttarakhand and mining mafia goes viral. In fact, the police received a complaint about illegal mining in Kashipur. Police rushed Scorpio to the scene to stop him. When he saw the police, the mafia took a tractor and started fleeing. Police also ran their car behind the tractor. However, the mafia landed the tractor in the river. ”

“Zee News” also has a report about this incident on January 22nd.

A video report of “Amar Ujala” published on January 22 contains the statement of the Kashipur ASP Rajesh Bhatt. He says: ‘Illegal sand mining on the banks of the Kosi River is a cause for concern. Police have received a complaint about illegal mining. When they reached the site and pursued the people involved in illegal mining, they escaped. ”

Ramesh Chandra, the local correspondent of India Today, confirmed that the chase took place on January 20 at Bazpur in the Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand. We also sent the viral video to the Uttarakhand police spokesperson. He told us that the police seized the tractor seen in the viral video.

It is therefore clear that a video of Uttarakhand police chasing a man allegedly at illegal sand mining is being misrepresented while Uttar Pradesh police chase a farmer on his way to Delhi to take part in the January 26 tractor march take.

However, there were allegations that the UP administration stopped many tractors on their way to Delhi to take part in the R-Day tractor marches.

ClaimA police vehicle from Uttar Pradesh is seen here chasing a farmer’s tractor that is going to take part in the Republic Day tractor march in Delhi. ClosureThe video shows Uttarakhand police chasing the illegal sand mining mafia. The incident took place on January 20 on the banks of the river Kosi in Bazpur in the Udham Singh Nagar district in Uttarakhand.


The number of crows determines the intensity of the lie.

  • 1 Crow: Half true
  • 2 crows: mostly lies
  • 3 crows: absolutely false
