Fact check: Images of newspaper front pages sharing incorrect information about vaccines are fake

Images of British newspaper front pages apparently containing denied misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines have been circulated online. However, these covers are not real.

Reuters fact check. REUTERS

The photos were uploaded on February 16 and appear from newspapers of the same day. The alleged headlines read: ‘Panorama Exposed: World Doctors Alliance Reveal Truth’ and ‘Modern admits – it’s not a vaccine!’, ‘Warning against vaccine danger’ and ‘Pfizer Whistleblower warns that jab is experimental’ (here).

The images were posted with a caption criticizing the government and pharmaceutical companies.

These covers have been produced. They were originally posted by a social media user with the caption: “These are the headlines I would love to see now!” (here). The real news from the newspapers, the Express, Metro and Mirror, from 16 February can be found here, here and here .

Two of the fake covers have criticized a recent documentary produced by the BBC’s Panorama team examining anti-vaxxers (here), while other headlines have repeatedly denied that the Pfizer and Moderna jabs are not real vaccines (here) and that the vaccines are unsafe (here and here).


Untrue. These front pages sharing false allegations about COVID-19 vaccines have expired.

This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our work to actually check social media posts.
