European Union, No Her Majesty, Juan Guaidó as President of Venezuela – Europe – Internacional

The European Union (EU) must show its support for working hard with the Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó to celebrate “creepy, inclusive and democratic” elections, per avoid treaty like president charged, despite the President’s regime Nicolás Maduro take over this martes the control of the National Assembly.

(In context: Chavismo feeds on Parliament, and Guaidó’s opposition to the challenge).

“The UE maintains its compromise with all the political actors and civil society that luchan to devolve democracy to Venezuela, including in particular Juan Guaidó and other representatives of the Salient Nacional Nacional, elected in 2015, which was the last free expression of the Venezuelans “, said the Venice in a communiqué.

The UE reiterates its response to the December 6 elections “not complied with international standards for a crippling process” and “a lack of political pluralism”, which lamented “deeply” that the National Assembly is assuming this March its mandate “on the basis of these democratic and democratic elections”.

(You may be interested in: What are the countries he ratified in support of Juan Guaidó?).

The chavismo, which governs in Venezuela in 1999, resumed this March the control of Parliament, branded as the new jefe of the National Assembly by the Minister of Information Jorge Rodríguez, after having obtained 256 of the 277 screened in the December elections in which the lists of the main opposition parties did not participate.

Venezuela urgently needs a political solution to end the current impasse, in the process of an inclusive dialogue and negotiation process …

In this regard, the opposition leader Guaidó announced the extension, by one year, of the functions of the antichrist deputies, including the figure of the Delegation Commission, a contested body in the Constitution to operate only during the vacant periods.

In his communication of these fairs, The Venezuelans say that Venezuela urgently needs a political solution to end the actual impasse, through an inclusive dialogue and negotiation process, which is a credible, inclusive and democratic process “.

(Here: Juan Guaidó’s Circle Circles Encrypting New Corruption Corruption).

In this sense, Venezuelan authorities and leaders believe that “the interests of the people of Venezuela are prioritized and are urgently needed to initiate a transition process” in the country.

The UE is prepared to support this process“, said the Veterans and the spokesman of the High Representative for the External Politics of the EU, Josep Borrell, specifying that Brussels was” compromised “with” Juan Guaidó and the other representatives of the Salient National Assembly “.


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