EUEU can admit juicio photos of President of Honduras

NEW YORK, UNITED STATES. –The fiscal authorities have said they will admit to a juicio of photographs shown by the president of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernández, with people allegedly involved in drug trafficking.

The appearances are entirely obscure in judicial documents, but the fiscal district of New York District states that master CC-4 or co-conspirator number four, which is the form in which he identified in criminal proceedings against some traffic offenders.

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Fiscalía pidió en esos documentos al juez Kevin Castel who admitted the photographs as evidence in the trial of Geovanny Fuentes-Ramírez, a drug trafficker who was arrested in Miami in March 2020.

It is hoped that the trial will take place on March 8 in the court of Jude Castel, in New York, and that Fuentes-Ramírez’s lawyer will attend the weddings a week later.

The tax authorities have identified the Honduran president as CC-4 and he has been involved in multiple judicial documents, claiming to be the winner of Honduran presidential elections celebrated in 2013. Without embarrassment, there is no open lawsuit against him in United States.

LEA: Informa de la Fiscalía de Nueva York confirms investigation into Juan Orlando, president of Honduras

A supplementary photograph was shown to President Hernandez next to CC-14 and later to CC-3, two people including tax collectors Jacob Gutwillig and Matthew Laroche were involved in drug trafficking in Honduras. Tax evaders will not reveal the identities of the traffic suspects.

The tax authorities consider the legal documents that are important to show the photographs in the juices to demonstrate that all, including the president, are known and their participations in criminal activity

Aseguraron que Fuentes-Ramírez kontakt – ‘n CC-14 desde prision por electronic e. The fiscal findings show the photos of the iCloud and Instagram accounts of CC-14.

Ni CC-14 ni CC-3 se encuentran presos en ningún pais, dijeron los fiscales.
In the judicial documents of the tax authorities, which are available in the electronic system of the court, it is signaled that CC-14 and Fuentes-Ramírez calibrated the mandate of “Juancho” in its electronic chats.

Since then, both tax and drug traffickers have been accused of running for office. Hernandez received funds from narcotics parties to fund electoral campaigns and count the votes of deputies to become president of the Congressional and most important president of the country.

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In the last charges against the juicie, the tax authorities said that Fuentes-Ramirez’s staff had agreed to protect his cocaine laboratory and that he had given access to the armed forces to transport the drug.

Hernández has denied repeated allegations of repeated form and said he was being held hostage by narcotics officers who sought revenge on him and reduced his sentences in the United States.

The mandate number also tended to repeat constant form in the juicie to his son Tony Hernández, celebrated in the neo-Norwegian court in 2019. Tony Hernández was declared guilty of narcotics and finds himself awaiting his sentence.

Avraham Moskowitz, Advocate for Fuentes-Ramírez, filed a lawsuit against the district court on Wednesday, stating that the tax authorities in this case have filed charges against the carcass court in Spanish and the United States. .

VEA: New York Fiscalia: JOH quería ‘meter drug in las narices de los gringos’
