The European Union’s Disease Prevention Agency can relax social distance rules and mask requirements for those vaccinated, adding the signs that an accelerated rollout of shots against the coronavirus could pave the way for a gradual return to normalcy. .
When fully vaccinated individuals meet other fully vaccinated individuals, the physical distance and wearing of face masks can be relaxed, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control said in a series guidelines published Wednesday. The rules can be relaxed even when vaccinated, meet people who have yet to shoot, as long as there are no risk factors for serious diseases or a lower effectiveness of the vaccine in anyone.
The reasoning is that people who have received the vaccines have a very low risk of developing serious diseases, while the risk of someone being vaccinated getting the virus is also low.
Europe finally made a turn Covid-19 Vaccinations
EU countries are trapped in protracted closures amid a continuing flare-up of infections across the continent. As the deployment of vaccinations accelerates, the bloc of 27 countries is working on measures to alleviate restrictions, including travel, for those who have been vaccinated, or have recovered from the virus and are therefore considered immune, through the introduction of vaccine passports.

The ECDC’s guidelines may provide additional justification for gradually relaxing measures for the growing section of the population who are given the opportunity.
Requirements for the testing and quarantine of travelers and regular tests at workplaces “may be rejected or amended for individuals who are fully vaccinated, as long as there is no or very low level of immune flight variants,” the guidelines state.