Estonia’s Prime Minister tests positive for COVID-19

HELSINKI (AP) – Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas has tested positive for COVID-19 and says she will have self-quarantine until she recovers from the virus.

The 43-year-old Kallas, who became the first female head of government of the Baltic country in January, said late Monday that she was feeling well apart from a minor fever and had not developed any other symptoms.

“I’m keeping a close eye on my health and staying home until I get well,” Kallas said in a Facebook post, adding that she will continue to perform prime minister’s duties from home, including holding remote cabinet and other meetings.

Estonia, a nation of 1.3 million people, has experienced a significantly worse coronavirus situation in recent weeks and the country’s healthcare system and hospitals are experiencing increasing difficulties in accommodating COVID-19 patients with current resources.

The country recorded 1,281 new cases of new coronavirus on Monday, bringing the total to 86,086 with 728 deaths. According to authorities, 711 coronavirus patients are being treated in hospitals across the country.

The 14-day notification rate of newly reported COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population was 1465, which is currently one of the highest figures in Europe.


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