Endometriosis: the chronic pain of the pelvis is not normal

Agencia Latina de Noticias Medicina y Salud Pública

Endometriosis is a systemic illness that in some cases can be painful. This pathology is produced when the joint is located in the interior of the uterus –endometrio-, is located in the surface of the organs and joints, such as the intestine or the pelvis. It is believed that this woman was affected by one of the five female deaths in the reproductive community in Puerto Rico.

The sentomatology of this patient is presented in a distinct form in each patient, “some women do not suffer from pain until their endometriosis is extended. In other cases the patients have severe pain and have pain that only small areas with endometriosis have”, Confirms Dr. José Bracero in an article published in the imprint version of our review by Gynecology and Obstetrics. According to the specialist, “one of the most common sinus tumors of the endometriosis is the pain, typically in the lower abdomen, the lower part of the pelvis and the pelvic areas”What many occasions dictate the detection of illness, debit that the pain produced by the illness is associated with the patients with the malignancy provoked during menstruation.

As a consequence, it does not appear to be appropriate and does not refer to any form of medical treatment. It is important to be alert and listen to the specialist before the appearance or presence of these symptoms:

  • Summarically painful / incapacitating menstrual colic (dysmenorrhea)
  • Chronic pain of the pelvis (including pain in the lower part of the pelvis)
  • Dolor during or after having sexual relations (dispareunia)
  • Dolor-derm
  • Menstrual periods with strong blood vessels
  • Premenstrual blood or between periods
  • Infertility due to distortion or dysfunction of the reproductive organs

    The intensity of pain that is a woman is not necessarily related to the amount of endometriosis present ”assures the doctor Bracero.

Treatments for this disease vary depending on the stage of the disease and the diseases of the patient. Medicine for the pain: These medicines can include anti-inflammatory drugs and prescription medicines or can be prescription drugs. Hormonal therapy: These are directed to suppress the production of estrogen that feeds endometriosis implants. The hormones can be in the form of a pill or injection.

The hormones commonly used to treat endometriosis are related to progesterone, contraceptive pill, danocrine and gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). Surgical treatment: Generally it is the best option if its endometriosis is extended or if it has severe pain. The surgical procedures fluctuate between minimally invasive surgical procedures such as laparoscopy and mayor surgery.

Informate about endometriosis, chronic pelvic pain is not normal