Embajada de Estados Unidos en el pais responde preguntas sober process of visa to immigrants

Santo Domingo, RD.

The United States embassy in the country has prepared a questionnaire of frequent inquiries that users receive will be subject to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions.

Continuation of the questions with the answers, in relation to the available services and the processes to follow.

Are there any recent changes in the operations of the Immigrant Visa Union?

The Immigrant Visa Union has renewed its limited-edition operations. Although the availability of citations is restricted by public health conditions, the Immigrant Visas Union is currently programming very limited citations for: married adoptees, concubines, marriages and cohorts. Permanent Legal Residents (LPR) are interviewed for the Immigrant Fueron visa program scheduled for March 16th and April 30th, 2020, and subsequently Fueron cancellations are canceled through the March 2020 visa visa service.

When will the embassy send messages to applicants?

The Embassy of the United States Embassy Visas has started sending notifications. It is important that the applicants are included in the categories previously monitored with the frequency of electronic mail that is proportional to the National Visa Center (NVC) and the Immigrant Visa Union to receive updates and implement the program.

Do you want to contact someone with the message or they will contact you?

Nee, if you are hoping for a quote, or your quote was canceled, no need to communicate with the embassy at this time, then they will be contacted by contact. The visa unit will contact the persons meeting the requirements for programming the interviews through electronic mail, including instructions on how to proceed. If an interview has been conducted and has been denied because it requires additional documents, please follow the instructions given at the time of the negotiation.

How long will it take to get a quote?

Geen tenemos un plazo exacto ya que cada cas es diferente nie. We are in the process of programming such interviews with the directors of the Dominican Republic, the Centers for Control and Prevention of Enemies (CDC, by its seals in English) in the Department of State on adequate precautions and for -19. We understand the frustration of the applicants who have been waiting for one more year for an interview, due to the high volume of immigrant visa petitions presented to the Dominicans, the closure of routine visa services this year and our limited capacity To program solicitations, respecting Public Health Directors, solicitors should continue anticipating significant retreats in order to obtain a citation. It is important to note that the applicant who is not assisting in his / her interview program will have to wait many hours before a interview can be reprogrammed.

In the case of my e-mail or my contact dates hayan cambiado, what should I advise?

It is fundamental that the staff of the embassy can be contacted in conusted, as well as ensure that the telephone number and direction of electronic mail shown in their profile are correct. If you need to make changes, simply enter your profile online and place the changes.

Are the petitions presented by Permanent Legal Residents for the nearest citations included?

Citizens’ applications with petitions for legal permanent residents (LPR) from the United States are being programmed for interviewers, for those who have been interviewed by immigrant visas scheduled for March 16 and April 30, 2020, and subsequently canceled As part of the routine visa service on March 16, 2020. As we have completed our interviews, we will evaluate our capacity for the limited programming of additional Permanent Resident Petitions on the basis of the current vigilantes’s policies.

Do you intend to present any updated documentation?

Depending. Applicants who take the medical exams this year and cancel the interview will tend to repeat the medical exams that they have taken. Asimismo, if a new “certificate of criminal penalties” is required for the major applicants of 18 years, if the original was issued more than one year or if the applicant completed recently 18 years.
