Ecuadorian niches launched on the front between EE. UU. y Mexico hablaron con sus padres y estan in process of family reunification | International | Notice

The Ecuadorian Chancellery indicates that it is accompanying the process.

This evening, the Ecuadorian Ministry of External Relations and Human Mobility issued a new communication on the situation of the 3 and 5 year olds who were abandoned on the frontier between the United States and Mexico.

In agreement with the Chancellery, the small hermens will be assigned to the minor division without accompaniment to begin a process of regrouping.

Además, the nines and the powder can contact their fathers, who are in New York.

“… the nines will be assigned to the Division of Minors No Accompanied / Refugee Rehabilitation Office of the United States to initiate the family reunification process, which could delay the arrival of six semesters between the parents or relatives. ) presents the required documentation. While the process of reunification is concrete, the nines will be permanently housed in a dormitory together with other minorities, in which case they will cover all their needs and can communicate directly with their parents, ”the communication indicates.

The tragedy of these nines takes place in the midst of martyrdom and miracles, when a man launches from the height of a subway four to the nines, around the median, with only a note with his numbers. Luego bajó del lado mexicano y se fue en kompañía de otra persona.

The action was recorded by the cameras of the EE Patrulla Fronteriza. UU., Which sends personal to retrieve the minors.

The North American country is experiencing a sharp increase in the number of migrants on the frontier of migrants, especially minor and unaccompanied minors. The most recent promotion is in the case of 500 nuns not accompanied that cruzan each day.

President Joe Biden’s governing body exhorted pressure to manage the situation on the front and accommodate the unaccompanied minors.

According to official statistics, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reported 12,918 migrant children on March 5, while CBP increased to 5,285. (I)
