DKV launches the VII Medical and Solidarity Awards in a special edition COVID-19

Hoy empieza de plazas de receptie de candidatures de estos premiums, que finalizará de 14 maio. This edition has 3 premium categories: solidarity organization, solidarity professional health and the digital solidarity initiative, each with a bonus of € 10,000. Since the first edition, these prizes have received 1,380 applications, awarded 25 projects and donated 230,000 €.

DKV launches the VII Medical and Solidarity Awards in a special edition COVID-19

The initiation period for the VII DKV Medicina y Solidaridad initiated this year has been celebrated with a special edition COVID-19. DKV is looking to launch those solidarity-based initiatives that have the potential to reach the goal in 2020 by helping to address the effects of the health outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic generated by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which is sanitary processes or launching new activities.

This edition will run in 3 categories and each one of these will be endowed with a donation of € 10,000:

  • Solidarity Organization Award: Award for the implementation of a project or a solidarity action carried out by a company or a sanitary organization with the aim of improving the situation of patient health that he left COVID-19, or the impact it has had on the professional collectives assistants related to the treatment of this disease.
  • Solidarity Health Care Professional Award: Award for the implementation of a solidarity project or voluntary action with the aim of improving the situation provoked by the health of the population by COVID-19. This award is directed to professionals or professionals who are involved in the sanitation sector.
  • Award for Initiative in Digital Solidarity Health, cuyo objective haya sido paliar los efectos que la COVID-19 ha causado en la poblción a nivel de salud.

From the 15th of March until the 14th of May 2020, the candidates will be able to present their projects in the process of submitting this application. On this page you can fill out the participation form. Posterly, a specialized jury will validate the candidacies in accordance with the effects caused in the health of the population devoted to the sanitary crisis generated by the coronavirus.

These projects will have explicit forms related to medicine, solidarity and altruism, and will be led by health professionals. The fall of the prizes will take place during a gala to be held in Madrid in the last quarter of this year, in one place by the determinant.

In DKV Seguros there are many compromises with these premiums that with the years are converted into a reference in the sector. Since the first edition, it has received a maximum of 1,380 candidates, 25 premiums and € 230,000 in donations as recognition of the excellent solidarity work that has taken place among the professionals in the Spanish sanitary sector. With this seventh edition the insurer will continue to signify solidarity and increase these figures of opmerklik form.

In the six previous editions of these galleries he was awarded to professionals such as Dr. Bonaventura Clotet o la Dra. Adriadna Kaplan. And there are entities such as the Spanish Association of Lateral Amiothrophic Sclerosis, the Collaborative Association and Esfuerzo, the Foundation of Otology Dr. García-Ibáñez, the Illumináfrica Foundation or the Recover Foundation.

DKV maintains that companies need more than the economic benefits, assuming ethical, social and media responsibility towards society, through direct actions to their interest groups. As an insurance company, DKV looks forward to creating a world more salutary in terms of health and the medium, infant obesity, labor insertion of people with disabilities and active living.

In Spain, DKV is implanted in all the national territory with a large number of officers and consultants, working around 2,000 employees who serve about 2 million customers.

*** For more information about the event and inscriptions: Here
