Detention of three suspects related to the caretaker of Efraín Ruales | Security | Notice

Updated at 4:40 p.m.

Three people have been detained this week in Guayaquil as part of the investigations conducted by television presenter Efraín Ruales, last year.

Agents intervening in a move in the barrio Garay and a department in the blocks of the city Valdivia. In this last place, alias Casquete, of 18 years, was apprehended by the authorities. Other people, a woman and a man, will also be retained for the full version during the course of the day.

“There are various associative indications to the investigation that we are carrying out, these have been provided and are in the custody of custodians …, there are various information elements, associative elements that presuppose the participation of these persons in the above-mentioned actions and circumcisions. by Sen. Efraín Ruales “, said Ramiro Ortega, Director-General of Investigations of the Police, in the media.

In the social network, the Police College of photographs taken by the detainees for investigations with the smugglers.

“This madrugada, the Police and Fiscalia detain the persons related to the assassin of Efraín Ruales, procedure in disarroll”, wrote this year in his Twitter account the Minister of Government, Patricio Pazmiño.

The Police announced in their profile of the social network that “by giving a response to the investigation with the support of Fiscalía, execution of allies in Guayaquil, detuvimos to 2 suspects related to the investigation by the assessee of Efraín R., incautamos varios associates in high “.

The record of these jewels, in a digital interview, General César Zapata, Commander of Zone 8 of the National Police, sostuvo que in los allamientos there are various indications, among them clothes, more than 6,000 dollars in effect and a cartouche.

Asimismo, the Fiscalía refuses to initiate an investigation against the three adults by the robber of the vehicle that is used in the crime that ended with the life of Ruales, is indicated.

A minor oath that is located in the department of the city of Valdivia quedó to the orders of the National Board of Protection of Children, Children and Adolescents (Dinapen).


On the 28th of January, the Inter-American Press Association (SIP) asked the Governor of Ecuador to investigate the manner in which the television presenter was assigned.

Ruales, 36 years old, was one of the canal cars of the canal Ecuavisa, has animated programs for the house and also has actuated in ecuatorian series.

The driver was attacked by gunmen when he was traveling in his vehicle on Guillermo Cubillo Avenue, north of Guayaquil. The caretakers look at the cars on three occasions when they are in their vehicle in a gym.

Ruales “solia denounces hechos of corruption in its social speeches” y, ya in June 2020, denounce that has received various amenations, subrayo this organization without fines of luxury. (I)
