Destiny 2 Glitch lets you start 12-player Raid parties

Destiny 2 firearms are usually at six, but players recently discovered a bug to increase the size and use the exploitation to tackle the raids in massive groups.

Parties of twelve players may be a change for a traditional MMO, but in Destiny it can transform even the deepest, darkest stone crypt into a bustling space party. As Forbes reports, the issue has been known for some weeks by some Twitch streamers and other players, but has just begun to break out to the wider community as videos describing the trick make the rounds on YouTube.

Here’s one example of YouTuber Scrub, which attributes the discovery Twitter user ChildCelebrity:

Players reach these encounters by creating two separate raid teams and then combining them at the last second before starting the activity. If set correctly, both groups will touch together, making them run relatively comfortably through encounters designed for much smaller groups.

Destiny 2 has become much more sensitive in recent years, leading to problems with competitive activities such as Trials of Osiris, and sometimes causing problems with solo quests for missions. This raid, on the other hand, is one of the cooler things that has accidentally happened in the game since it was introduced. As Rock, paper, shotgunsee Alice O’Connor, it can be very chaotic and incredibly charming to watch 11 other players trying to solve running puzzles.

Unlike many other bugs, it does not seem to hurt anyone. Of course, this does not mean that Bungie might not stick it out soon, especially as more and more players try to repeat it. The studio’s community manager last Friday ominously tweeted about it, so if you want to have your own raid party, you should try it sooner rather than later.
