Demi Lovato sufrió un infarto y mantiene daño cerebral a causa de las drogas | Gente | Maintenance

In a documentary that will be presented in March, the sequels that the day will contain will be exposed.

Demi Lovato revealed to these markets that he suffers from an infarction and three cerebral palsy after the sobriety due to being hospitalized in 2018 and through which he died.

“The doctors say that only ten or 10 minutes of life will last,” the singer said in the song. document document “Dance with the devil”, which will take place on March 23rd in four stages of the YouTube platform.

The Mexican ascendant artist regressed to the Grammys in the Grammys of the year passed after a period of rehabilitation after suffering a stroke for consumption of fentanyl in the spring of 2018, which is a second-hand source in its health.

“I quedé with day cerebral and todavía estoy suffering with the effects. Geen can drive vehicles because it has points in sight. During a long time without learning, ”explained the star in a speech with communication media to present the documentary.

Lovato made sure that his secondary effects were recorded and that he had passed and that he had succeeded in “being in the dark and in the future”.

“I’m appreciative of those recorders, but I ‘d like to thank you for not having to do much to rehabilitate. Health rehabilitation in the emotional field ”, confession.

“Everything you need to succeed in order to learn the lessons you learn -advertisement-. I am very sorry for the person I am now ”.

El documentary, which presents the current film art of Southwest (SXSW) de Austin (Texas) and marzo, explore Lovato’s addiction problems and the food trusts that live when there is an infantile star, as well as the family weight in its most erratic stage.

Además del testimony de la cantante, en la cinta participant otros artistas com Christina Aguilera y Elton John.

“Ser joven y famoso, Dios mío, es duro”, doubled John in the trailer. (E)
