David Letterman catches setback as a result of rediscovered Lindsay Lohan interview, where he apparently mocks her rehabilitation

David Letterman gets a bit of a backlash on social media over a new interview with Lindsay Lohan in which he apparently mocked her for going to rehab.

The interview came from an episode of The Late Show in 2013, in which the star was ready to talk about her new film and TV project before a very public period in rehabilitation. The troubled star has been in and out of treatment since 2007 amid a spate of public problems and addiction issues.

On Saturday, a Twitter user named Trey Taylor uploaded a video excerpts from the interview in which Letterman no longer seems to keep a book and makes Lohan’s addiction light, despite her clearly becoming uncomfortable.

“Aren’t you supposed to be in rehab now?” asked the host.

“Do you see nothing going on?” tells a seemingly irritated Lohan. “What are you, a pony newspaper now?”


Despite her frustration, Letterman still presses Lohan and asks him recurring questions like “How long will you be in rehab?” “How many times have you been in rehabilitation?” and “How will this time be different?”

At the time, she agreed to do 90 days of rehab to avoid jail time for a car accident the previous year.

David Letterman is getting backlash over an interview he had with Lindsay Lohan again.

David Letterman is getting setbacks over an interview he conducted with Lindsay Lohan.
(AP / Getty Images)

“What are they doing a refurbishment first? What’s on their list? What are they going to work on when you walk through the door?” he asks.

“We did not discuss it in the pre-interview, but just said,” Lohan says as he looks at someone outside the camera.

Lohan continues: “I think, to be honest, I’m the happiest when I work and the healthiest, and I think it’s an opportunity for me to, you know, focus on what I love in life and I do. “I don’t think it’s a bad thing. I think it’s a blessing.”

Undone, the clip shows how Letterman continues to pressure the actress to talk about rehabilitation and her wild lifestyle. She continues to playfully close the interrogation line by telling him that they have discussed it in the past.

“Really? When did we do that? Now I’m the person who disappeared. I need to be in rehabilitation for the love of God,” he says.

“We’re here for a movie,” Lohan replies. “Let’s stay positive.”

Letterman then tried to kick things off to a pre-planned segment, but the actress snatched his notes from him to investigate them first after the surprising rehabilitation questions. When Letterman gets them back and minutes later tries to start the segment, Lohan puts her foot down.


“You can not make a joke of it, it’s so mean,” she said. “No, you do not. We do not. No, this is my show now.”

While both celebrities kept things playful, Lohan finally started tearing up as the host continued her rehab jokes. The clip, which resurfaced, sparked serious reactions from people on social media when his name started trending on Twitter.

“Ugh, it makes me so sad. Shame on David Letterman and shame on his performance for slapping and laughing throughout the interview,” wrote one user.

“There to discuss and be interviewed about a movie, and David Letterman ignores it to concentrate on her personal battles, knowing she’s still dealing with it. I have no interest in this kind of journalism because I embarrass in public and make someone feel uncomfortable, ” wrote another.


“I want to say David Letterman may make mistakes, but he’s been on TV since forever. I want to say it may be a norm in 2013, but it’s painful to watch. Let’s all just learn from it,” wrote a third person.

“I never cared for David Letterman. I hope he has learned and grown since then,” he said. someone else wrote.


Letterman’s representatives did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.
