Cuomo’s office investigates sexual harassment after Democrats question independence

New York Government Andrew Cuomo said on Sunday he was asking the state’s attorney general and chief justice to appoint an independent investigator to investigate the allegations of sexual harassment against him.

The announcement comes after top Democrats said Cuomo had not gone far enough to ensure the independence of the claims investigation, which made two former assistants separate last week. Cuomo denied the allegations, but said Saturday he had appointed a federal judge to review them.

“The governor’s office wants the allegations of sexual harassment against the governor to be made in an impeccable manner,” Cuomo Beth Garvey, Cuomo’s special adviser and senior adviser, said in a statement. “We have elected former federal judge Barbara Jones, with an excellent record for qualifications and integrity, but we even want to avoid the perception of a lack of independence or distraction from politics.”

“Accordingly, we have asked the Attorney General of the State of New York and the Chief Justice of the Court of Appeal to jointly select an independent and qualified lawyer in private practice without political affiliation to thoroughly investigate the case and issue a public report. , “she continues. ‘The work product will only be controlled by the independent lawyer personally elected by the Attorney General and Chief Justice.

Garvey added that “all members of the governors’ office will cooperate fully.”

New York Attorney General Tish James said in a separate statement that she was ready to lead an independent investigation into Cuomo.

“Accusations of sexual harassment should always be taken seriously,” James said in a statement. ‘There needs to be a truly independent inquiry to thoroughly review these disturbing allegations against the governor, and I’m ready to oversee the inquiry and make the necessary arrangements. “

James’ statement comes after a number of prominent Democrats called for an independent inquiry into Cuomo following several allegations of sexual harassment by former assistants.

The calls come after Charlotte Bennett, 25, a former Cuomo assistant, told the New York Times that Cuomo had made several inappropriate remarks about her sex life. Cuomo denied the allegations, which NBC News did not independently report, saying he had never made any progress towards Ms. Bennett does not. I also never intended to act in any way inappropriate. ‘

The governor also called for a full and thorough outside investigation. In the same statement, Garvey said former federal judge Barbara Jones would lead an independent investigation and that Cuomo’s staff were ordered to cooperate.

Democrats say the initial investigation announced by the governor’s office does not have the appearance of true independence.

“No, I would not consider it independent,” said Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, told ABC’s This Week ‘on Sunday. “It would be, I would say, the Attorney General of New York.”

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, DN.Y., said in a statement: “Sen. Schumer has long believed that sexual harassment is never acceptable and that it should not be tolerated, and that allegations must be thoroughly and independently investigated. “

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, DN.Y., also called on Sunday for an independent, transparent and swift investigation into these serious and profound allegations. ‘

Bennett’s allegation is the second a former assistant has charged Cuomo since December. Last week, Lindsey Boylan, Cuomo’s deputy secretary of economic development and special adviser, expanded from 2015 to 2018 to a December tweet saying the governor had sexually harassed me for years. In that report, Boylan outlined her experience, which she said included an unwanted kiss from Cuomo. In a statement on the claims to NBC New York, Cuomo’s spokeswoman Caitlin Girouard said: “There is simply no truth to these allegations.”

“Lindsey Boylan and Charlotte Bennett’s detailed reports of sexual harassment by the Cuomo government are extremely serious and painful to read,” said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, DN.Y, tweeted Sunday. “There must be an independent inquiry – not one led by an individual elected by the governor, but by the attorney general’s office.”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki spoke to CNN’s State of the Union ‘on Sunday, saying President Joe Biden believes Bennett and Boylan “should be treated with respect and dignity.”

“There needs to be an independent review of these allegations,” she said. “They are serious. It was hard to read the story as a woman. And the process must continue as quickly as possible, and that’s something we all support and support the President.

Frank Thorp V. contributed.
