Coronavirus live news: Japanese prime minister announces state of emergency for Tokyo; US suffers daily deaths | World News

What does a new state of emergency mean for Japan?

The state of emergency declared in Japan on Thursday to tackle a record-breaking third coronavirus wave will be far less severe than blockades seen elsewhere and even milder than the country’s first emergency in Covid last year. How will it affect daily life?

Which areas are affected?

The month-long statement is not nationwide. It affects four neighboring areas, which are the largest increase in Japan’s caseload: Tokyo, Chiba, Kanagawa and Saitama. The region, known as Greater Tokyo, houses more than 36 million people and accounts for a third of Japan’s GDP.

Other parts of the country are not affected for the time being, although one other region said it would be possible to be admitted if the cases there continued to increase.

What does the criterion allow?

A state of emergency empowers governors in affected regions to impose restrictions on movement and trade, but offers little enforcement.

Governors can urge people to stay inside and appeal to businesses that attract large numbers of people, such as reception halls or department stores, to close their doors. But there are no penalties for those who refuse the request, nor any other enforcement mechanisms.

The Japanese government is seeking legislation this month to allow fines for businesses that refuse closure requests, and to provide incentives for those who comply.

What will change then?

This time, restaurants and bars will be asked to stop at 7pm to serve alcohol and close an hour later, except for pickup and delivery.

Other businesses – from gyms to theme parks – are also likely to be asked to shorten hours, and online work will be encouraged with the aim of reducing commuting traffic by 70%. Residents are asked not to avoid essential outings at night.

The strongest power conferred on governors is the ability to command buildings or land for medical purposes, for example, to require landowners to hand over property to build temporary medical facilities.

Local education councils can also close schools, but officials say there are currently no plans to do so. And according to reports, the spectators’ allocation at large events will be reviewed to 5,000 people or 50% capacity, depending on which number is the smaller one.

The restrictions are looser than Japan’s last state of emergency, which has left many businesses completely closed and schools closed.

How will the public react?

Despite the lack of enforcement, state of emergency was widely respected last year.

According to the government of Suga, the approval figures for dealing with the third wave of infections have declined, with criticism of its decision to promote a domestic travel campaign, even as the numbers in the case have risen.

December polls on the prospect of a nationwide state of emergency showed that the majority supported the move.

What does this mean for the Olympics?

The Japanese government and Tokyo 2020 organizers have steadfastly adhered to the line that the virus-delayed Games will open this summer, and Suga reiterates this week its determination to hold the event as proof of humanity’s victory over the virus ‘.

Nevertheless, a majority of the public, even before the state of emergency, opposed holding the Games this year, and proposed them for further postponement or direct cancellation.

The recent tightening of border restrictions could theoretically affect the visits of Olympic officials, but athletes will not start arriving for months.

However, some health officials have warned that the emergency will take about two months to affect infection rates – close to the new start date of March 25 for the Olympic torch relay.
