Congressman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Reveals Sexual Aggression – | International

The congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in an image of August passed.
The congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in an image of August passed.SWIMMING POOL / Reuters

An emotional Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez shared this nightmare in an Instagram live that suffers from sexual aggression in the past. The congressman of the Democratic Party took this step, without going into details, while stating the life during the ascent to the Capitol the 6th of January. The experiences – not related – he suffered a trauma. The Democrat criticized the Republicans for wanting to “pass the page” on the act of insurrection without relinquishing responsibility. In its juice, this act responds to the pattern of the abusers. “I think I should die,” he said, referring to the five hours on which he lives during the congress.

One of the qualities that Ocasio-Cortez recognizes is his search with his followers. From the ascent to the Capitol, there is a direct conversation with them through their Instagram account, as if to do so. Este lunes, sobre om 21.00 uur lokaal, arrancó un streaming. Nervous, I feel sorry for my friends and relatives because I have to be relevant. “I do not know much people”, dijo con la voz quebrada. “I’m sobering from sexual aggression”, continued.

The congressional hearing about that were exactly where the Republican legislature came from. As soreviviente de sexual aggression, dijo que est traumas tienen dos aristas: cuando se viven y lo que vien después, la reaction de entorno. “I think I do not have to share my experience during the hearing with the Capitol because it is important to know what the suitor should say because he intends to treat me,” he said. Finally, it was decided to follow the recommendation of the therapists of the Congress, who invited to share the trauma.

These two days have given the Democrats the right to say that they will “win by the right” if they want to close the 6th year of March, the day of the march of Donald Trump’s followers that they will take over the Capitol. Looking for the two of the late, felt goles very strong in the gates that then to his office, as some would like to drive the gate. I did not listen to the votes, no gritos, nadie was identified.

‘Bum, bum, bum’, describes the congressman. His assistant, who accompanies her, agrees to stay. Betree ‘n su baño y cerró la puerta. “Is Dondde here ?! Is Dondde here ?! “, Listen to the voice of a man, when he says that he has grown up in his office. “At the moment I think that everything is hababado (…) In retrospect, I would have made five or two dozen, but for my part I will think many thoughts. I thought I would die ”.

When finally a white man, white, was a Capitol police officer, mirandola “with ira and hostility”. No identification, for which the congressman strongly disagreed with what he was saying, “I do not know if he is projecting.” He assisted in the reconnaissance that he did not know if the police were here to help or punish him. “Asi de hostil parecía”. The agent orders that he be made another edification. No selection and no specific application. At the moment, Ocasio-Cortez says he feels part of the large list of people who can not compete with the police.

Finally, meet Congresswoman Katie Porter, where she will take refuge. Abrieron ar armarios para ver que no hubiese nadie, le pidió ropa deportiva para cambiarse. “Necesitaba un attuendo adequate por si necesitaba saltar por la ventana. Estaba en tacones ”. It feels locally traumatic that the habitual person has to take the decision to punish us and those who quarrel enter the offices. “We do not want Nadie to be so, it is difficult to be with him”, cuente con los sobros sobrecogidos. Pasaron is looking for five hours before the powder will be sold. “La gente tuiteaba ‘estoy bien, estoy segura’. I’m not hice because I do not feel safe in a single minute of this day ”, lamented.
