Commission of Arbitrators show wrong that ayudo to Rayados con America

Monterrey, NL /

Rayados won 1-0 at America of polemical manner, in social speeches exárbitros does not coincide in his opinions, señalaban that is criminal in favor of Monterrey la jugada con la que se llevaron el triunfo y otros decían que no.

Finally, you can conclude the Jornada 2 del torneo Guard1anes 2021, la Árbitros Commission exhibition loose errors del silbante Jorge Antonio Pérez Durán y el VAR, yes there was no criminal offense or eviction with direct redress for the player of the Eagles, Sebastián Córdova.

Fue in minute 34 when the hard-hitting marker of Ramón Juárez, and although the balloon is the first peg in the pitch, the VAR does not suggest revision.

The VAR debit suggests revision and the arbitrator corrects its decision, repealing the penalty can be done by a mano non-voluntary, if the balloon comes from a rebate (the balloon contacts first in the player’s luck) “, explains the Commissioner of Arbitrage.

While in the eviction, the signaling organism that the jugador debits irse del party for double amarilla and not for direct red.

“The VAR debugger suggests revision and the arbitrator corrects his decision, pending the # 17 judge of America can be a one-time contract. debió be expelled by double amonestación (entry temeraria) and not by direct red “.

Tras estos errores, Monterrey won 1-0 to the Coapa y Rogelio Funes Mori with this converted penalty, llega has three annotations to encase the scoreboard.
