Collect more than 300 mil dollars with sales and crew sales at Cuban camps

Cuba News

El Gobierno has 16 establishments for sale in all countries

Collect more than 300 mil dollars with sales and crew sales at Cuban camps

Recover more than $ 300 miles on sales and crew sales to Cuban campers. (Photo: Periódico Cubano)

The Cuban champions were obliged to pay more than $ 300 million in coins in Moneda Liberemente Convertible (MLC) which the Cuban Government owned by the Administration of the Empress Group of the Ministry of Agriculture (Gelma).

An official diary article Granma whereas the 16 establishments displayed in all the country offer 32 products to the customers he has access to a total of 2 miles customers who execute 628 purchases, of the customers the Mayor owns individual individuals and only 17 in the business sector.

From 10 September 2020, the first 3 rental centers of this type will be located in La Habana, Villa Clara and Santiago de Cuba. The campsites can be found in these local national production sites, such as multi-purpose bags for carbon, tires for horses, boots, vinyl paints, gloves, yoke bags, wagons, multiarados, flat limes, plastic cubes, multi-purpose beds and products.

Pesar de ser producidos dentro de Cuba, las tiendas del Gelma lo venden en dolares al egual que los primeros tractores de las mararas Belarús y New Holland, importados de Belarús y Brasil, respivamente. The information does not specify the cost of these tractors, even in the last months it is known that only the engine of these vehicles cost 7,000 USD.

To access these purchases and receipts, the campaign must include documentation that accredits such as the producer include the tenure, and by default, a magnetic card associated with a bank account in dollars.

Create the prices of Agricultural products

Cuban camps do not have another option for acquiring the necessary resources for their work and, as a result, assist them with their dollar-denominated debts, in order to be able to divide their bank accounts into the bank and obtain them in the amount of 24 hours. Gobierno has no dollars to sell.

Ante this scenario the agropecuario producer acude to informal market given the price of a USD promedia the 50 CUP in sites like Revolico.

All of these entrenched people were involved in the elimination of the prices of agricultural products in the minority market, which were criticized by the majority of the population. In addition, this system decimals agricultural production.
