CNN pierde casi the meeting of its audience since the Trump election

Washington, United States.

CNN’s news channel lost the meeting of its audience since the president Donald Trump let go Casa Blanca, an indicator of coma the polarization and animation version that feeds the politician in liberal sectors he defined the television industry estadounidense.

As of Nielsen Media Research’s date, November 4, 2020 is the 20th of January, the day of the investment by Joe Biden, CNN is a medium of 2.5 million of the special watches of the “prime time”, mientras que la cifra cayó a 1.6 million of media until March 15th.

The case is a mayor if he compares with hims 3.1 million television sets in the last days of December until the 20th of January, when the polarization in the country increases with the insistence of Trump and sus sympathizers de no accept el subsequent elections, basándose en falsedades.

In the segment of demography CNN’s Most Important Value The 58% retrospective of 58%’s pusering at the end inketidumbre elections, that llegó to his point algido with the intention of toma to asalto del Capitolio for part of Trump supporters the 6th of January.

NewsCorp’s media, founded by sensationalist magnate Rupert Murdoch, airs these jewels on their bad dates mayor competitor in the cable television segment.

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The four years of Trump in the White House polarizaron tanto a los votantes comam los canales de noticias en United States which now occupies more than time with opinion and not so much with impartial analysis.

Fox News, which supports Trump during his term of office, converts in the canal predilect of the Conservatives, but through which the ascent risesI also want al Capitolio, the companies of television analysis he started to detect a audience exodus canals more conservators like Newsmax.

Other canals like the ultraconservator OANN, with vínculos con el Kremlin and accused of being a device dand disinformation, también han prosperado gracias a la polarizacion que vive Estados Unidos. EFE
