Claudia Conway Goes Hollywood, ‘American Idol’ Judges with Adele and Emotional Confession

Claudia Conway, like everyone who auditioned on Sunday American Idol premiere, wants a gold ticket to Hollywood – but unlike most of her peers, everyone already knows who this teen is.

Kellyanne and George Conway’s daughter announced for the first time that they’re auditioning for the singing competition series on TikTok in November, where she’s gained a huge following over the past year. Claudia’s social media presence exposed disputes in her family, especially between her and her mother, including allegations of abuse. Maybe that’s why Judge Katy Perry immediately asked with Claudia’s arrival, “Are you okay?”

“No,” Claudia replied. “No, but yes.”

When judge and country singer Luke Bryan asked what he was missing, Claudia replied: ‘My parents are high political figures. My mother is Kellyanne Conway. She worked for Trump. And George Conway of my father. He worked against Trump. ”

“It’s a lot,” Claudia said. ‘But you know, I just want to spread love, and I like a compromise, and I do not agree with my mom and dad … I had to move to Washington, DC when I was 12 and I hated it. If your mother works for the President of the United States, with whom you very much disagree, it’s really hard. ‘

Claudia’s American Idol visit is a complicated proposal. Since television has already begun to provide former Trump associates with launching their new brands, it seems more than fair to feel conflicting while Claudia is the center of ABC. Although her association with her parents is not her fault, her presence in the program also offers her mother a branding opportunity that reminds us all of what landed her there in the first place.

Although Katy Perry takes some gentle digs at Kellyanne Conway’s expense, such as asking her daughter, ‘Is she still holding you?’ Conway also appears on screen while she and Claudia are virtually speaking before the audition. And right now, she’s playing the warm, cuddly, kind mother.

“It’s your time to shine,” Conway tells her daughter. “But remember, honey, winners are people who are willing to lose.”

It’s almost enough to make you forget about the troubling conflicts Claudia posted to her TikTok.

The Conways are offering a more united front these days. As People says Claudia in a TikTok video of her relationship with her mother last month: “We fight like mothers and daughters, but we also love mothers and daughters, and I love her.”

During her American Idol Claudia added an audition: ‘She loves me; I love her. I just feel our relationship is a little difficult. Most of my life, my feelings have been suppressed. Then I came across social media, and I was like, ‘Well, my voice is heard now.’ You know?”

George Conway, meanwhile, spent his daughter’s American Idol audition alternately radiates and cries.

Claudia, meanwhile, told the judges that by appearing in the program, she “wants to get out of the controversy, get out of the drama, get out of politics … and let people know that I’m a singer, and that is what I want to do. ”

“You dad is your dad, and your mom is your mom,” Perry said. “Who’s Claudia?”

The first song that Claudia tries out on the judges: ‘Love on the Brain’ by Rihanna, which falls flat. But she also prepared “When We Were Young” by Adele – which she only sang after Perry instructed her to sing it “as if you had lost your youth because you could not experience it alone with all the noise.” Subtle!

“You dad is your dad, and your mom is your mom,” Perry said. “Who’s Claudia?”

After Claudia’s second time, Luke Bryan said he felt her vote was limited due to her young age, and he voted ‘no’. However, Perry and Lionel Ritchie both voted ‘yes’, which gave Claudia her shot.

“There’s a lot of noise in your life,” Perry told Claudia. “You need to calm the storm around you. Meaning you have to get off your phone before singing. You must stop reading your comments. Push it aside. Because if not, you may never rise above your father or your mother. It’s your choice. “
