Claudia Conway (16) tells American Idol judges that social media means her ‘voice is heard’

Claudia Conway, 16, told American Idol judges that social media means her voice is ‘heard’ after being ‘suppressed’ for most of her life.

The 16-year-old daughter of former Donald Trump assistant Kellyanne Conway and co-founder of Lincoln Project George Conway is seen talking about her ‘hard’ education during a new clip of her audition in the program.

Claudia will appear on ABC in the first episode of the series on Sunday, February 14th.

Her appearance comes after the teenager became famous on TikTok in the past year, with more than 1.7 million followers watching her explode her parents’ politics and quarrel with her mother.

Last month, New Jersey police launched an investigation after Claudia accused her mother of posting a topless photo of her on Twitter before later falling back and saying Conway is not to blame.

Claudia Conway, 16, told American Idol judges that social media means her voice is 'heard' after being 'suppressed' for most of her life.  Claudia at her audition in the photo

Claudia Conway, 16, told American Idol judges that social media meant her ‘voice was heard’ after being ‘suppressed’ for most of her life. Claudia at her audition in the photo

The 16-year-old daughter of former Donald Trump assistant Kellyanne Conway and co-founder of Lincoln Project George Conway speaks out about her 'hard' upbringing during a new clip of her audition in the program.

The 16-year-old daughter of former Donald Trump assistant Kellyanne Conway and co-founder of Lincoln Project George Conway is voicing her “hard” education during a new clip of her audition in the program.

The audition, shared by People, shows how Claudia opens up to judges Katy Perry, Lionel Richie and Luke Bryan about how social media – and singing – helped her make her voice heard.

‘I’m Claudia Conway. I’m 16, ‘she says at the beginning of the clip.

‘My mother is Kellyanne Conway. She worked for Donald Trump. And my dad is George Conway. He’s a lawyer he worked against Donald Trump. ‘

The judges are seen looking at each other and smiling while Richie says ‘wow’.

“It’s a lot, but I agree not to agree with my mother and father,” Claudia tells them.

The TikTok star explains how it was ‘difficult’ to grow up with her mother who worked for Trump and said that her ‘feelings were suppressed’ before she joined social media and started publishing her own views.

“If your mother works for the president of the United States, with whom you strongly disagree, it is difficult,” she continues.

‘Most of my life, my feelings have been suppressed. Then I got social media and I was like, ‘Well yeah. Now my voice is heard, ‘she says.

Claudia adds that she now wants[s] to get out of the controversy and concentrate on her singing.

Claudia will appear on ABC in the first episode of the series on Sunday, February 14th.  Claudia's father, George, accompanied her to the audition

Claudia will appear on ABC in the first episode of the series on Sunday, February 14th. Claudia’s father, George, accompanied her to the audition

In an advertisement for the program released on Monday, images of Kellyanne also appear on a giant screen in the audition room (above)

In an advertisement for the program released on Monday, images of Kellyanne also appear on a giant screen in the audition room (above)

“The Internet can be a very, very dark place,” she says.

‘But when life goes downhill, I have my music. Now I quite want to get out of the controversy, get out of the drama and let people know that I’m a singer and that’s what I want to do. ‘

The clip also contains a home video promo video that was filmed before the audition.

In it, Claudia talks to the camera as she climbs out of a window.

‘So you probably know me as a 15-year-old emancipation girl or the blonde wife of Fox News’ daughter. I’m a little more than that, ‘she says.

Claudia’s father, George, is also seen in the footage standing outside the audition room door, encouraging her before climbing to the stage.

“You’re fine,” he said, giving her a hug as she replied, “Thank you, Dad.”

Claudia's appearance in the program comes after the teenager became famous on TikTok last year, with more than 1.7 million fans

Claudia’s appearance in the program comes after the teenager gained notoriety on TikTok in the past year, with more than 1.7 million fans

Claudia has repeatedly hit her mother's conservative views and support for Trump

Claudia has repeatedly hit her mother’s conservative views and support of Trump

Meanwhile, Kellyanne had earlier said she supported her daughter’s music career, saying she was ‘proud’ of her for sharing her beautiful voice.

‘Claudia and her siblings are taught to be independent self-starters and freethinkers who dream big and aim high. She sets goals and works towards them. Of course, American Idol is the next level! she told People.

“We are proud of Claudia for entering the arena and sharing her beautiful voice and inspirational message about mental health with others.”

In an advertisement for the program released on Monday, the 16-year-old also appears who tells the judges that she was ‘very nervous but very excited’.

It shows how Claudia introduces herself to the judges, as well as images of Kellyanne on a giant screen in the audition hall and the teenager sitting next to George.

Host Ryan Seacrest is heard in a voice call over whether Claudia would receive a Golden Ticket to Hollywood.

Perry tells Claudia, “We want an American idol.”

It is not clear whether Claudia went through the audition phase of the match.

American Idol will premiere on ABC Sunday and include Claudia’s audition.

Claudia first announced that she would appear in a video on her TikTok account in November.

In January, New Jersey police launched an investigation into a topless photo of Claudia posted on Twitter of the former Trump assistant.  In the photo of the police at the Conway house

In January, New Jersey police launched an investigation into a topless photo of Claudia posted on Twitter of the former Trump assistant. In the photo of the police at the Conway house

Claudia accused her mother of leaking the image on Twitter's newly launched Fleets feature, which deletes posts after 24 hours.  The teenager later returned her comments and apologized (above) and insisted in videos on TikTok that Kellyanne

Claudia accused her mother of leaking the image on Twitter’s newly launched Fleets feature, which deletes posts after 24 hours. The teenager later returned her comments and apologized (above) and insisted in TikTok videos that Kellyanne “would never do it intentionally” and said her account was probably “hacked”.

“Hello guys, I’m here at American Idol confessional,” she says in the video.

“I met Ryan Seacrest today and I’ll audition soon, so stay tuned.”

Claudia repeatedly slammed her mother for her conservative views and for her support for Trump.

Kellyanne was a close adviser to Trump and his third campaign manager during the 2016 White House race, which helped him beat Hillary Clinton.

Meanwhile, George is voting anti-Trump as co-founder of the Lincoln Project, an anti-Trump Republican group that tried to stop him from being re-elected.

Kellyanne left the White House in August after months of public strife with Claudia telling the teenager on her TikTok.

In one video, Claudia threatened to seek legal emancipation, saying her mother’s work had ‘ruined’ her life.

In January, New Jersey police launched an investigation into a topless photo of Claudia posted on Twitter of the former Trump assistant.

Claudia accused her mother of leaking the image on Twitter’s newly launched Fleets feature, which deletes posts after 24 hours.

The teenager later returned her comments and apologized in videos on TikTok that Kellyanne “would never do it on purpose” and said her account was probably ‘hacked’.
