Cierran Voting and Initiative Centers for the Election of Municipal and Legislative Elections

In addition, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) carried out the operation of the preliminary election results system.

The 1,595 voting centers started the party on the 5th of the fair to pass the ballot box of municipal and legislative elections. Before long, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) communicated to the Departmental Electoral Boards (JED) and Municipal Electoral Boards (JEM) that were missing 10 minutes for the debriefing committee to proceed with the meeting of the persons present .

Además, el Tribunal Supremo Electoral (TSE) implement the push to close the results processing system preliminary elections. It is certain that the system will record results, based on the information of the three acts generated in each of the 8,451 JRV.

Without embarrassment, at the beginning of the day there was a market marked by some retrospective. More than 38 opener polling stations will open their doors at the end of 40 minutes, according to General Tax Officer Raúl Melara.

During the day, some accidents were recorded, such as the protagonist by Osiris Luna, Director-General of the Criminal Centers and Deputy Minister of Justice, who was delayed from entering the voting center next to other members of New Ideas and intervening in the installation of the Junta Voters Receptor are accredited for this.

Podrías leer: Director of Penal Centers enters the force at the voting center

El hecho ocurrió en Guaymango, Ahuachapán. In a video broadcast on social media there is a man who appears to be the employee, abiding by the door of the school center. I also went to the Francisco Gavidia School Center, in El Refugio, Ahuachapán, to intercede for representatives of the New Ideas party to integrate the JRVs with the respective accreditation. This was questioned by the President of the Junta Electoral Municipal (JEM), Aura Lissethe Herrera.

Photo: René Quintanilla.

During the election day, the mayor will not appear in the polling stations. The electoral event was overseen by 40,000 effective security and military personnel, as well as international observers.

As part of the international observers Otto Madrid, of the Independent Center for Interchange and Solidarity (CIS), who said that the vote at the Albert Camus National Institute, of the Central American Colony of the capital, opened with a 30 minute mark vio nada que sugiera fraud, hecho que el Ejecutivo sin tener prueba alguna ha insistio des de initia de la campña elections.

“There was a tranquil vote. I am aware of the fact that he read so many adult adults, including in street bars, ”Madrid commented.

Podrías leer: Retros and agglomerations in polling stations, the most relevant of the El Salvador electoral journals

The OEA’s observer mission formulated an ‘energy alert’ and did not disseminate false information on social media and communication media.

Asi lucían the month of this 28th of February the installations of the voting center of the Arturo Albergue School Center, in San Salvador. Photo: Óscar Iraheta

The Jesuit University José Simeón Cañas (UCA) warned in an editorial that the elections would be held “in an atmosphere of tension and confrontation that could be unleashed in violence and given results”.

Además: United States pide not to state that hay fraud does not exist

Bukele ignored the ban on emitting political messages three days before the vote, and announced on television announcements that he would vote for his allies and critics on his ads. In addition to the press conference held during the TDE attack and discredited the work of the institution, and also referred the vote to his party.

TO PUEDE INTERESE: Nayib Bukele orients the vote to his party during the electoral silence and has hours of urn closure

Gatherings of persons in the corridors of the National Institute of Commerce (Inco) took a step back and opened the voting center. The distance is not respected. Photo EDH / Óscar Iraheta
