Chivas issued by Robo to the security guards who corrected

Las cosas no pintan bien para the three guards that were running this week by Chivas, ya que el rojiblanco entabló a request by robo and abstraction of utilities.

The elements were hidden, they were an investigation and they were a part of what the courieron was doing, although there were also fluctuations due to influences, sale of courtesy and equipment ballots from the team.

To be despised, Call them abridgment a legal proceeding the cual is in process of arranging objects and clothing of the red carpet.

The three guards do not take into account the unique ones, yes a high staff member is also being investigated and in mira to be forwarded by some extra situations in routes of the first team.

A chivas le brincó ciertas cosas de los trochjes ahí comenzó la investigación.
