Chivas de Guadalajara ofrecen van Jose Juan Macias european equipos para el verano I Liga MX

The future of José Juan Macías apunta a Europe for the next round, there are various teams that have very specific offers from the Guadalajara chivors who march with three annotations on the Torneo Guard1anes 2021.

The talent of JJ Macías is irrefutable, the olfato goleador, his dynamics combined with his stature, the buen remat aéreo and with ambushes, his characteristics that he colocan as one of the young promises he mexican football tendría que exportar tarde o temprano, pero el Rebaño Sagrado le quiso dar burgemeester fogueo en este Guardians.

What does JJ Macías offer in Europe?

According to information from the Francotirador of the record diary, the offers by the attackers of the Chivas de Guadalajara are cayendo as “pan caliente” about the month of the tapivia directive. While one wants to buy a percentage of the map of Macías, otros ya le han puesto un check con muchos ceros a la dirigencia rojiblanca, sobretodo los Spanish teams.

Per reality is that the directive of Rebaño Sagrado quiere mantener occupy on his attacking stealing many goals in this campaign, to be able to analyze his future in the field.

The problem with the sale to Chivas with the health of Macías series who occupies his place as the most effective goal scorer, then Oribe Peralta y Ángel Zaldvíar he did not respond as he hoped, while he Alexis Vega tampoco has regularity due to contingency.

What is José Juan Macías’ question?

Follow the portal Transfer market, the goal scorer Chivas de Guadalajara is worth 10 million euros, approximately 11.76 million dollars. This is a Mexican goal scorer from the list of the most popular young footballers in the world.

Nee, hace falta un cambio de DT
