Chiquis Rivera lo vuelve a hacer, y se contonea sin importar lo que piensen de ella

One of the women’s most wanted in the middle of the show without any doubt is Chiquis Rivera who in the last weeks has been in the ojo of the huracn lie of his recent divorce of the tambant cantor Lorenzo Mendez, pese a la situacin, la hija de Jenni Rivera no se deja caer y se ha mustrado ms bella que nunca.

Sample of it is the recent video that shared from his social speeches giving a very pleasing look and with much brilliance, and it is that Chiquis carry a bag in color green green and one zapatillas tipo stiletto and coloring page.

And clarify the character of Chiquis it is the hija of Jenni Rivera al igual que cmo lo haca la Diva de la banda is that goza to resaltar each one of its curves.

No major import

Although it has been criticized for debating the body, some people tend to be overbearing, while insuring that it is very quiet and conforms to its curves.

Includes some months ago Jenni Rivera was caught in a Mexican beach by a paparazzi on Thursday when he discovered his body without any type of filter, even if it was Chiquis pronounce respect and revel that one with his imperfections has tens of thousands of galanes hoping for an opportunity with her.

