China approves traditional medicine to treat COVID-19

(CNN in Spanish) China Approves Sale of Traditional Chinese Medicine Products (MTC) to help treat COVID-19, announced the mercenaries of the National Administration of Medical Products of the Government.

The agency uses a special approval procedure for giving light to the three products that “brindan more options for COVID-19 treatment ″, dijo en un communicado.

The products a base de hierbas vien and forma granular and has its origins in “antiguas recetas chinas ”, said the communiqué. It is based on remedies of traditional Chinese medicine that are used in the principle of the pandemic and that are “evaluated by many academics and first-line experts”.

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The three products son “granulos para limpiar y desintoxicar los pulmones ”, “granulos to disintegrate and eliminate humidity ” y “granulos to detoxify and diffuse the pulmonaries ”, is read in the communication.

The safety and efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine is being debated in China, however, have as many followers as skeptics. Although many remedies of traditional Chinese medicine have been used for hundreds of years, critics argue that there is no verifiable scientific evidence to back up its beneficiaries.

In the last years, the ancient remedies he was repeatedly hailed as a national organ by the President of China, Xi Jinping, is a very well-known defender of traditional Chinese medicine.

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“Traditional medicine is a treasure trove of Chinese civilization that encompasses the sabiduria of the nation and its people,” Xi said at a national conference on traditional Chinese medicine, in October 2019. In the wake of the pandemic, Xi has repeatedly exhorted the physicians to treat the patients with a mix of Chinese medicine and occult medicine.

Means of patient miles with COVID-19 receive herbal remedies based on conventional antiviral drugs, the past year, according to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

“To adjust the health of all the body and increase the medicine, the traditional Chinese medicine can help to estimate the capacity of patients to resist and recover from illness, which is a form of therapy efficacy ”, dijo Yu Yanhong, Deputy Director of the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, in March 2020.
